Monday, April 13, 2020

The process of being cool free essay sample

This Is basically a form of protection against stealing other peoples work. Copyright Is to software as plagiarism Is to writing. People put money Into copyrighting any original work. This includes, literary, musical, dramatic, artistic, and other Intellectual pieces. When avoiding the cost of these works, people are stealing money. Not only Is online piracy morally and lawfully wrong, but It comes with hefty consequences. According to source 3, Criminally copyright Infringement Is Investigated by federal law enforcement agencies and Is punishable by up to 5 years In prison and a fine of 250,000. Even though the consequences are severe, people continue to commit online piracy. People, who produce this music online, put in excess amounts of energy, time, and money while getting nothing in return. In source 4, the artist asks, do you think about the days, weeks, months- maybe even years- that we have to put into writing, practicing, recording, mixing, and distributing that song? The frustrations of being taken advantage of are evident in this source. We will write a custom essay sample on The process of being cool or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Artists want to share their music but cannot be giving it away for free.This is their living and it would be impossible for them to make any profit if everyone is Just took part in online piracy. When people participate in online piracy, they are stealing work that has taken many hours and much money to produce. Not only is online piracy illegal, but there are many consequences and risks that follow. As stated in source 1, when you participate in peer-to peer networks, private data and sensitive documents on your computer become accessible to others.. . This is a way identity theft and fraud occurs.Many people do not think about the risks involved in illegally reproducing or distributing copyrighted material, but they are significant. There is also a treat of viruses. The practice of using file-sharing sites invites many different viruses that can be detrimental to the computer being used. Not only is it stealing, but both civil and criminal penalties are severe (source 1). While there are many reasons In favor of people getting prosecuted for online piracy, there are also some reasons against prosecution for it. Many people argue that everyone does It, so why cant they do It.Just because everyone is participating In online piracy, does not change that It Is against the law. The amount of people that participate In online piracy Is evident In the plea graph used in source 3. People were surveyed on the acceptability of piracy. Out of all the people surveyed, 56. 5% approved of online piracy. More than half believe It Is okay to download music files Illegally. The mall culprits of online piracy are teenagers.

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