Friday, February 7, 2020

What makes people attractive to others Research Paper

What makes people attractive to others - Research Paper Example The two most exciting life incidences about life in college for young men is the possibility of development of a relationship away from relatives; either just friendship or romantic. The paper posits that college men become attracted to others when they identify an admirable quality in them. The paper outlines these qualities and their effects in attractiveness. The secret identified in the discussion as overlaying attraction is self love. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor other people. They are open to all love gestures directed to them. This makes their character to be viewed in a positive light. They express their love in every way and think about it most of the time. With such an attitude no ill thoughts about others can clog their mind. According to Harper, college men should understand that human interactions are vital in acquiring a sense of well-being, happiness and self esteem (402). The paper also stresses on the emotional as well as physical well-being because , at their age, the community expects college men to be energetic both physically and emotionally. This implies that one may be physically healthy but emotionally challenged leading to overall adverse effects on their interactions. It will also be difficult for a young man to sustain a meaningful relationship if they lack emotional stability. DISCUSSION The education status of college men demands that much of their thinking capacity be preoccupied by academic issues; not life shocks and stresses. This is an indication that if one does not uphold proper interactive tendencies towards people, his academic performance will certainly be affected negatively. When they discover that people do not like them, emotions run the gamut from defensive indignation to a feeling of deep pain and enormous sadness. One should focus on improving both his physical and emotional character while streamlining self attitude towards other people. However, young college men may look physically tattered, frai l and unattractive if they do not embrace a healthy lifestyle. Healthy people engage in some form of daily exercise alongside healthy diets to support the physical stability of their energetic bodies. One should indulge in this because they respect themselves and not aiming to impress others. The strategy can entail the involvement of a group activity. This promotes positive interactions with the group members. Attractive people maintain their emotional wellbeing through allowing themselves time to focus. This detaches them from adrenaline negative impacts such as distractions and clutters (Davenport point 32). There are many virtues that one needs to acquire to ensure they are attractive to other people especially the college mates and the teaching staff. It is eminent for one to develop his personal operating system (Davenport point 1). This can be accomplished through curving out and defining their philosophy, values, interests and reality than blindly embracing that of their pee rs and the community at large. When people understand your likes and dislikes, the interactive attitude they portray upon you will be related to the stipulated principles. Expressing one’s personality indicates that one accepts who they are. Therefore, people interact with the real self and not a fake personality. Accepting who we are requires personal sacrifice as one lets go of the need for validation (Davenport point 2). Attractive people speak constructively and attach sense in whatever they discuss. Although the current trends among the peers associate naughty-boy image with attractiveness towards young ladies, this notion is short-lived and causes harm to self-worth

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