Friday, December 27, 2019

Maintaining a Healthy Weight - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 576 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Weight Loss Essay Did you like this example? Maintaining a healthy weight should be a very big concern for everyone. Obesity is defined as any individual that weighs over thirty or more above their recommended optimum weight. The epidemic of obesity is sweeping across America and reflecting in our children. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Maintaining a Healthy Weight" essay for you Create order Thats why its only makes sense that weight loss and weight loss solutions have become more of a common topic to discussion all across households in America. In 1999-2000, over 10% of preschool children between the ages of 2 and 5 were overweight, up from 7% in 1994. In addition, approximately 15.3% of children (ages 6–11) and 15.5% of adolescents (ages 12–19) were overweight in 2000. An additional 15% of children and 14.9% of adolescents were at a higher level of risks for becoming overweight based on their current Body Mass Index (BMI) results. The percentage of children and adolescents considered overweight has more than doubled since the early 1970s. A great amount of studies shows an increase in mortality rates associated with obesity. People who are obese have up to 10% to 50% increased risk of death from all causes when compared to others with a healthy weight level. A larger portion of the increased risk are due to cardiovascular diseases. Obesity caused additional 112,000 deaths per year in the United States when compared to others in the United States that maintains a healthy weight level. There are some typical diseases that are associated with people who are overweight and/or obese: Diabetes, Coronary heart disease and stroke, High blood cholesterol, Metabolic syndrome, Hypertension, Different types of cancer such as: (breast, colorectal, endometrial and kidney), Sleep apnea and other breathing problems, Osteoarthritis (degeneration of cartilage and bone of joints), Gallbladder disease, Fatty liver disease, Gout, Pregnancy complications, Menstrual irregularities, Hirsutism (presence of excess body and facial hair), Stress incontinence (urine leakage caused by weak pelvic floor muscles), Psychological disorders, such as depression, Increased surgical risk and Increased mortality. So knowing this, thats why one should be conscious of their weight and take active measures to maintain a healthy life. The first important thing to do is making the appropriate lifestyle changes, and that is achieving their fitness goals. However, the second important thing is obtaining their optimum weight level. So in order to become successful in achieving their optimum weight, they need to understand that there are fundamental changes that need to be made in relation to nutrition, exercise, rest and relaxation. It is very important to understand that achieving optimum health is a lifelong endeavor and not a short-term commitment. The goal is to lose the weight the right way. And its plenty of websites and articles that will provide individuals with countless of tips on how to achieve their proper weight loss goals correctly. Many individuals lack the knowledge to effectively do this on their own. I personally recommend individuals to do research and read articles and search websites to enhance their education relevant to the various weight loss approaches, techniques, and lifestyle changes necess ary to achieving their weight loss goals. In conclusion, you will not lose weight without improving the quality of foods that you put into your body. Those aspects present their own challenges, and in many cases require dedication and a change in overall lifestyle. Yes losing weight can be very difficult for the most part, but you must always remember that effort and changes in lifestyle will pay off in the end. Achieving and maintaining your personal weight goal is a life-changing event that will improve virtually all aspects of your life.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Capital Punishment Deters Murder, and Is Just Retribution

Capital Punishment Deters Murder, and Is Just Retribution Capital punishment, is the execution of criminals by the state, for committing crimes, regarded so heinous, that this is the only acceptable punishment. Capital punishment does not only lower the murder rate, but it s value as retribution alone is a good reason for handing out death sentences. Support for the death penalty in the U.S. has risen to an average of 80% according to an article written by Richard Worsnop, entitled Death penalty debate centres on Retribution, this figure is slightly lower in Canada where support for the death penalty is at 72% of the population over 18 years of age, as stated in article by Kirk Makir, in the March 26, 1987 edition of the Globe†¦show more content†¦In 1966, 42% of Americans were in favour of capital punishment while 47% were opposed to it. Since the crime rate United states has increased, support for the capital punishment has followed suit. In 1986, support for capital punishment was 80% for and only 17% against with 3% undecided, but most of the undecided votes said they were leaning toward a pro capital punishment stance, if they had to vote on it immediately. Let us now focus on Canada. The last two people to be executed, in Canada were Arthur Lucas and Ron Turpin. They were executed on December 11, 1962. The executions in Canada were carried out by hanging. 1 The death penalty was abolished in Canada in the latter part of 1976, after a debate that lasted 98 hours. The death penalty was only beaten by 6 votes. If we look back to 1976, the year the death penalty was abolished in Canada, threats of death, were being made to Members of Parliament and their immediate families from pro death penalty advocates. Most members of parliament, voted on their own personal feelings, as opposed to the views of their voters.2 The same was the case in British Colombia, where accepting of the death penalty, if it was reinstated 1987 , by the federal government was discussed. The M.P.s were split, 17 out of 29 were for the death penalty. This showed, that even the majority of the M.P.s were in favour of the death penalty in B.C. Support forShow MoreRelated Capital Punishment Is Necessary1130 Words   |  5 PagesSomething must be done to keep citizens safe and to keep the murder rates low. Capital Punishment is a rightly justified penalty because it is moral retribution, constitutional, and it deters crime. One reason that Capital Punishment is just is the idea that it is moral retribution to the murderer. According to David Gelernter, the death penalty supporter’s view is that the main goal in executing murderers is to make a point that murder is completely intolerable in today’s society. The purpose isRead More death penalty Essay examples832 Words   |  4 Pagesineffectiveness of this cruel punishment. The death penalty is an inefficient form of punishment as innocent offenders may be executed, superior forms of restitution are available, and it fails to deter crime, all of which contribute to informed arguments against it. Deterrence The primary function of the death penalty is to act as deterrence, yet evidence has indicted that this cruel punishment has failed to deter crime. †¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Inconsistent: Any punishment can be an effectiveRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is Justified1143 Words   |  5 Pageson the death penalty Capital punishment is legally authorized killing as punishment for a crime. The death penalty questions the morality of killing a person as justification for their crime. It also brings to question whether the death penalty actually serves as a deterrent for crime, and that some of the people executed are found innocent afterwards. The debates over the constitutionality of the death penalty and whether capital punishment should be used for retribution are also added things toRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1443 Words   |  6 Pages 6 Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished in the United States? Adalynne Francis CRJU 1000 Dr. Huss November 14, 14 Should capital punishment/ death penalty be abolished in the United States? Many feel that the death penalty is immoral and question whether the state and federal government deserve the right to kill those whom it has imprisoned. On the other hand, those opposed feel that by not acting upon the death penalty communities would plunge in anarchy and that byRead MoreCapital Punishment Essay666 Words   |  3 PagesCapital Punishment A thirty-five year old white male kidnaps and rapes two sisters, one nine years old and the other twelve. The man then brutally murders the two sisters, letting one watch as the other one was killed. The man leaves the bloody and beaten girls dead on their front porch. Does this man deserve to die? Capital punishment, if applied in this hypothetical situation, would serve its purpose in getting retribution for this crime. Capital punishment is a controversial subjectRead MoreThe Death Penalty As A Form Of Punishment1491 Words   |  6 Pagesdeath penalty as a form of punishment. The death penalty, also known as Capital Punishment, is a punishment for criminals who have committed murder other capital crimes. It is Congress or any state legislature that can prescribe execution as a form of punishment. In order to be sentenced to the death penalty the crime has to be parallel as the U.S supreme court has determined, otherwise the crime has violated the Eighth Amendment’s pr ohibition on cruel and unusual punishments. When analyzing what actionsRead More Capital Punishment Is A Deterrent To Crime Essay1202 Words   |  5 Pages Capital Punishment has ended the lives of criminals for centuries. People have debated whether the government should have the power to decide one person’s life. On one side, people think the government does not have the right to play God as well as believe that the death penalty is simply unethical. Forty-eight percent of a half sample survey stated that life imprisonment was a better punishment for murder while forty-seven percent stated that capital punishment was a better punishment (Newport)Read MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1350 Words   |  6 Pages The death penalty, also known as capital punishment is a legal procedure in which a state executes a person for crimes he/she has committed. This punishment has been used by many states, and is normally used for serious crimes, especially murder. It is also used on crimes against the state such as treason, crimes against humanity, espionage, and violent crimes while other states use it as part of military justice. There are mixed reactions on capital punishment depending on one’s faith, and theRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty Essay1740 Words   |  7 PagesCapital punishment also known as the â€Å"death penalty† is one of the many sanctions used for violent criminal whom are convicted of heinous crimes. It is a government sanction in which criminals are put to death by the state government. There’s an on-going debate regarding the pros and cons of the death penalty. There are some individuals whom support the penalty and also a large number of individuals whom are totally against the death penalty. There is no clear decision whether the death penalty isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is It Really Justice For All?994 Words   |  4 PagesDeath Penalty, is it really justice for all? Should an insane man remain untreated to avoid the death penalty? Such is the case of Russell Weston who in 1998 killed two police officers in the U.S. Capital. He told government psychiatrists he drove across country to prevent the spread of disease, killing two of the carriers. His lawyers state that they know he will get the death penalty, so he remains untreated, insane, and isolated to avoid conviction of the death penalty (Caplan). Is this justice

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Autobiographical Sketch Layout free essay sample

My name is Courtney Marie Bukovitz. I wasn’t named after anyone else as far as I know. I’m 15 years old and was born on July 23, 1996 in Akron, Ohio. I have a few times but never out of Ohio. I don’t have many aunts, uncles or cousins, but the ones I do have live in a different state. My mom has 4 siblings and my dad has 1. Me on the other hand, I have 3 half siblings and 3 step siblings, I’m the youngest child. I honestly despise watching sports but I love to play them. What I usually do is hang out with my friends and doodle random pictures. The last time I went on vacation was in November, 2012 to Florida to visit family. Anytime I’ve went on vacation I’ve always stayed at my aunt or grandma’s house, so I never really stayed in a Hotel. My favorite kind of music is mainly old rock like Nirvana or alternative such as A Day To Remember. We will write a custom essay sample on Autobiographical Sketch Layout or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Their music is about real life situations and ideas, rather than fake love stories, lust and drugs. If I could describe myself in 3 words it’d be creative, spontaneous and independent. The high school I have attended is North High School. I don’t really have a favorite subject, but my weakness class is Biology. My strength class is History and anything that has to do with the visual arts. The class I dislike the most would be study hall, I don’t like study hall just because I find it useless. It may provide a child with the time to study but to me it’s a waste of time. My plan is to graduate from North High School in 2014 and then go to college to study to be a private investigator. I’m into the discovery of truth and justice and I’m someone who won’t stop until I achieve the truth.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

MSDS Management Essay Example

MSDS Management Paper How long has MSDSonline been in business? Since 1996 How many customers does MSDOnline have? over 7,000 OSHA? Occupations Safety and Health Adminstration What federal agency does OSHA belong to? Department of Labor What is the hazard communication standard that mandates MSDS management? 29 CFR 1910.1200 When would an employee need access to an MSDS? Before handling, shipping or storing the product What are the requirements of an electronic MSDS management system? Employees must be able to print an MSDSHave an msds for every hazardous chemical MSDSs must be readily accessible Employees must be trained on how to get the MSDS Back up must be in place We will write a custom essay sample on MSDS Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on MSDS Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on MSDS Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer What is WHMIS? Workplace Hazardous Material Information System What does JCAHO stand for? Joint Commission Accreditations Healthcare Organization What industry does JCAHO oversee? HealthCare What does GPO stand for? Group Purchasing Organization What GPOs do we work with? Amerinet, Consorta, Premier, Novation What does NFPA stand for? National Fire Protection Association What is the purpose of a CAS#? Unique Identifier System of pure chemicals What does HMIS stand for? Hazardous Materials Information System What does CAS# stand for? Chemical Abstract Service Number What does SARA stand for? Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act What is the SARA list? The EPA has a list of several thousand SARA reportable chemicals. Any company that meets or exceed the allowed thresholds of these chemicals must report them to the EPA; and in some cases to the state and local governments like fire departments on an annual basis. Why are the SARA reporting regulations in place? To inform the public, companies and government agencies of toxic and hazardous chemicals/materials. Also: to make sure companies know what chemicals they are handling, encourage them to get rid of their nasty chemicals using safer and environmentally friendly substitutes and to inform the federal, state, and local governments what nasty chemicals they are using. How can we help with SARA reporting? Our customers must index all of their MSDSs CAS#s ($1 per MSDS). After this is completed they can then run a report which will compare the CAS#s of the SARA reportable chemicals against the SARA list. What does TRI stand for? Toxic Release Inventory What is a TRI report? Informs the public and government about the routine release of toxic chemicals into the environment. Do all workplaces have to follow OSHA HAZCOM regs? Yes, all workplaces that store or handle hazardous chemicals have to comply with either the Federal OSHA standards or their own State OSHA standards which must be at least as tough as the Federal Standards. How often and when does a company have to do SARA reporting? Annually in March. What is Prop 65? California has a state requirement for reporting carcinogenic and extremely hazardous chemicals to the State of California EPA. This requirement is somewhat similar to the Federal SARA reporting requirements. What is a DOT hazard class? A transportation system put in place by the U.S. department of Transportation. There are over 15 pre-populated Hazard Classes in the MSDSonline system. What does Tier II inventory Data refer to? What does this information support? Found in Manage your MSDSs module at the Storage Location Level. This support most but not all of the data that is required for regulatory reports commonly required by our users. Allows a user to do inverntory tracking for the chemicals they have on site. include Storage Data, Container Size, Annual average Usage etc. NOW PRODUCT INFORMATION BEGIN How many documents does MSDSonline have in its database? Over 3.5 million How many manufacturers do we represent in our database? Over 32,000 How many visitors come to our site each month? Over 60,000 How many docs do we add each week? Around 10,000 Why does the employer need to build an eBinder? It is important to have a site-specific collection of MSDSs so that MSDSs are readily available. Explain the AutoUpdate process. If we identify a document in our master database that is more current that the document you have in your eBinder, well push this document to you. What six fields does MSDSonline automatically index? Product Name, Manufacturer, Revision date, CAS#, Supplier name, Supplier code. Name three additional fields that can be indexed on the Adminstrative Homepage. HMIS, NFPA, PPE etc. What is a DOD document? Why do we have them in our database? Department of Defense/ 1. Better than nothing 2. Military issued documents in standard format which we made available to our military clients. Can I index my companys internal product code? Yes, there is a custom field for this. Why are manufacturer original documents better than re-authored ones? Because it places all liability on the manufacturer and none on the party that reauthors the MSDS. What function does the MSDSonline Desktop application serve? It serves as a back-up What is MSDSonlines update procedure for reviewing the database? At least every three years MSDSonline with have combed through the entire database. How does MSDSonline get updated documents? Manufacturers submit updates. Our Compliance Service team contacts the manufacturers. Through requests and uploads. Do you guarantee you will get a requested MSDS for me? MSDSonline will do everything within its power, but we will not re-author a document. How many requests do I get with a GM Account? How much more is it for additional requests? 25, $200 per bundle of 50 requests. How many uploads do I get with a GM Account? 100, $200 for bundles of 100 What are the options for archiving a document? Either the customer can manually archive or have MSDSonline automatically archive the document. Does the MSDSonline database contain any scanned MSDSs? Yes, MSDSonline prefers clean electronic copies but will provide the scan if its the only option available. What is the main back-up for the GM? Paper If I want to backup my database on a cd, how much does that cost? $999 a year If I want to backup my database onto a computer how much does that cost? $250 per year. What is the info button? The blue icon with the I in the middle. Typically indicates that more information for a selected MSDS is available when user clicks on the icon. What is the Approval manager? A feature in the GM/HQ allowing the admin to apply business rules around MSDSs in the eBinder. Specifically the Admin can apply a sate to each MSDS indication whether that product is approved for use within the company or not. What are the three states within the approval manager? Approved, Pending, and Not Approved What is a custom delivered print job? The user can send a print job order form to MSDSonline for a quote on a print job. What is autocopy? the admin can choose to copy information from an older MSDS to an AUTO update when its added to the eBinder. What is a Document ID Number? Number assigned to an MSDS by MSDSonline for internal reasons. What are the three sub-levels under locations? Divisions, Facilities, Storage Locations What is the purpose of the history tab in the GM account?; History displays various events associated with a selected MSDS. There are four primary History event types: Added, Edited, Opened/Viewed, Printed. What does the term module refer to? Term to describe the various elements with GM and HQ that contain features, links, or content is small boxes, mostly displayed in the left-hand navigation pane. Modules are also displayed at the administrative homepage. THe admin can determine which modules are visible to its users. What is the HQ Account? MSDSonlines electronic deloyment tool. Where does the HQ Account reside? Most companies choose to have a link or icon reside on their intranet. The link takes the employee to the search page which is either hosted on MSdsonlines servers or the Clients server. Can employees print MSDSs from the HQAccount? YES What is the purpose of the summary sheet? Highlights information from the MSDS. What six fields does MSDSonline automatically index that will show up on these summary sheets? Product name, Manufacturer name, CAS#, Revision date, Supplier name, Supplier code. Can I turn off the summary sheet? Can I just turn off certain links within the summary sheet? Yes, the summary sheet is completely customizable. Can my employees print an inventory list of the MSDSs from the HQ Account? Yes. Does the information automatically appear on the label? What info appears? The four fields MSDSonline automatically indexes will appear, along with any additional information indexed by the administrator. How many different size labels do we offer? 3. Can I customize the label? Yes. What is the safety center for? The safety center focuses on more than just MSDSs. this space allows the user to post additional safety related information. What areas make up the safety center? Safety calendar, References, Resources, Safety Blog. Can I turn the safety center link off? Yes What languages are available? French, Spanish, English Can we provide our HQ Account with any other languages? Yes for an additional fee. Can employees add and upload MSDSs to the eBinder? The administrator will oversee this process and determine the depth that employee can use the account. How many reqests do I get with the HQ? 50 HOw long does it take to implement the HQ? 2 to 3 days but can be done within hours if need be. How much does pricing go up if only signing a one-year deal? 20% increase If the customer chooses to host the system, how much does this cost? $500 Can the employee search MSDSonlines database and add a document to their eBinder? Yes, with permission and/or approval from the Administrator. How many back up disks can I create? As many as you would like. Are the disks in searchable format? Yes. Who can burn back-up disks? The main admin or site admins with the main admins approval. What is a batch upload? Allows the user to upload multiple files at one time. MSDSonline also indexes the standard four fields. What is a File Attachment? Allows users to upload relevant information to associate a specific PDF with a particular MSDS. What is the MSDSonline Employee Add ID Box? Pop up box displayed after a user conducts a search of the MSDSonline database. The administrator is the notified of who wants to add what document and why. What is the User Invite feature? Allows the administrator to deliver a pre-written but editable email invite to users which helps with the distributions and communication of the HQ link. NOW OUR SOW PRODUCTS. First Fax-Back What is the purpose of the Fax-Back service? Serves as a back-up to the online service. Another way to deploy MSDSs. When is the Fax-back service available? 24/7 Does MSDSonline sell the fax-back w.o an HQ Account? Yes, for $500 Does MSDSonline deal with Chemical spills? Yes, MSDSonline has doctors and toxicologist on site to deal with Emergency Response. Does MSDSonline deal with Transportation Spills? Negative..And onto Compliance Services What is compliance service? Consists of MSDSonline building the customers eBinder. What 4 options does MSDSonline offer for building a customers database? eBinder Valet $5/MSDS, Scanning and Indexing($2/MSDS), Data Conversion (PDF, Sperk)$750 one-time, Verification Services $3) What are update/verification services? MSDSonline will go through any portion of our customers ebinder during their 3-year term to assure their docs are up-to-date What type of additional indexing can MSDSonline do? PpE, NFPA, Location, Internal Product Code, Additional fields are $1 per line item .50$ per ingredient. Can MSDSonline get MSDSs in other languages? Yes, if the manufacturer provides the MSDS in the language. On to Online Training.. How many courses does Basic and LMS training offer? 70 Different courses. How many topics does STK offer? 90; When can the employees take a basic or LMS course? At the employees leisure Can the customer customize an LMS course? Yes, for an additional fee. What is the STK? One-stop-shop for safety. It is an administrative tool, a one person license that deals with safety and compliance. (PPT presentations, regulatory analysis) How much is the STK? $795 What is Incident Management? An easy to use, web based system designed to help to centralize the precess of recording, tracking and reporting workplace injuries, illnesses and incidents in order to streamline compliance with OSHA 29CFR 1904 requirements. What is the Code of Federal Regulations regarding incident management? 29CFR 1904 What type of company is Incident Management best for? Mid to large size companies/locations Who hosts MSDSonline website? Qwest Communications International, Chicago IL What is the uptime of our website 99.9% What format are the MSDSs in? PDF What backup does MSDSonline have in place for its Server? We employ multiple servers running in Windows 2000 operating environment to control its front end domain routing as well as multiple servers to host the MSDSonline data repository and web site. MSDSonline utilizes a load balancer to further guarantee maximum uptime and performance from its website. What type of security does MSDSonline have in place? Security is maintained via multiple levels or password and permission based access. The site is monitored 24/7 via technology which checks current status of all servers, including monitoring for connections, CPU, disk space, event log, processes check, and services check. We are notified immediately if there are any interruptions. Full and incremental tape backups occur every 24 hours. Disaster Recovery plans exists between MSDSonline and its hosting partner. What are the basic requirements for the HQ Account? Internet Explorer, Adobe, VGA Resolution 1024768 How many MSDSs can fit on a CD? 1000 at 1000MB What two types of databases does MSDS support? Sequel and Access What type of Web Browser will MSDSonline system work? IE 6.0 or higher, Firefox 2.0 or higher, Netscape 8.1, Opera 9.02 and higher, Safari Max 2.0.2 and Linux