Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Research Methods - Essay Example Twin studies are particularly suited to separate the environmental and genetic backgrounds of an abundance of traits such as intelligence, schizophrenia and alcohol dependence (Winerman 2004). In trying to determine whether genetics plays a role in intelligence both intelligence quotient (IQ) test and MRI Scans. The brains of about ten identical twins and ten fraternal twins could be scanned. Since identical twins have identical genes, tests for correlation should show close to 100% for identical twins while tests for and fraternal twins would show correlation closer to 50% since they are not likely to have identical genes. In terms of schizophrenia a number of identical twins are tested for the disease. If both identical twins carry the disease they are concordant. If they do not then they are discordant. The rate of concordance determines whether the disease is hereditary (n.d.). According to (n.d.), in terms of alcoholism twin studies would compare the incidence of alcoholism of identical twins with that in fraternal twins. If there is any genetic component in the risk of alcoholism then identical twins with identical genes are be expected to show similar histories of either developing alcoholism or not developing alcoholism. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, who are genetically different individuals, are more likely to differ in their tendencies as it relates to alcoholism. Motluk, A (2001). IQ is Inherited, suggests twin study. News Scientist: 5th Nov 2001. Retrieved: Last accessed 31st Mar

Monday, October 28, 2019

The comfort of Stranger by Ian McEwan Essay Example for Free

The comfort of Stranger by Ian McEwan Essay The passage from The comfort of Stranger by Ian McEwan is a narrative passage which humorously anecdotes about a naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve young brother, Robert, and his teenage sisters, Eva and Maria. The naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve young brother can be compared with the immature sisters who were wearing their mothers clothes and cosmetics while they were alone in the house. Later, the boy tells his father everything that happened while they were at home. Not simply to make the readers to laugh, McEwan shows his contempt of the two beautiful sisters, the theme of naivety, unreliability of appearance is prominent throughout the writing. Throughout the story, Robert seems to be the most important character who allows the writer to reach the climax and create a comic relief. As Robert calls his mother Mama and I believed he knew everything, like a god show that the boys ingenuousness makes him unable to tell a lie to his father. This deducts that Roberts characterization emphasizes the difference between the sisters, Eva and Maria, and comes into an effect of exaggerating the thoughtless action of the girls. At the same time the author may suggest that the boy is slightly alienated from his siblings. In the last paragraph, fathers action of staring at Robert and asking what have you been doing this afternoon shows that he believes that Robert cannot tell a lie to him and, as expected, Robert tells his father everything what Eva and Maria have done. This is not simply a comic relief and the climax that makes the passage interesting, but an action which shows whether being a naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve person and not lying is a good choice or not, after all. In the first paragraph, McEvan creates a detailed imagery and description of the rising action: Eva and Maria wearing cosmetics and trying to look as beautiful as they can. McEvan describes Eva and Maria in Roberts point of view, and mainly uses verbs and nouns; white and beautiful are the only adjectives, carefully is the only and one adverb and these were American firm stars is the metaphor that has been used to describe the girls actions and beauty. Still and all, by spending 13 lines of his passage to describe the sisters, McEvan excludes emotional elements, and makes the rising action awfully long, and persuades the readers to condemn Eva and Marias desire for beautiful appearance. However, if the first paragraph is examined in cold blood, the long account for the actions of Eva and Maria could be biased as the narrator is the young boy who calls his mother Mama. Also, their desire to have better appearances could be understandable for the wealthy teenage school girls. In the last two sentences, McEwan concentrates more in characterizing the Eva and Maria to suggest the unreliability of appearances. In the third paragraph, Eva and Maria put the clothes back to where they were, and opens the window to make sure that their mother does not realize that her perfume has been sprayed. The girls tried to deceive their mother and father and change to their normal clothes. Suddenly the beautiful women had become my sisters again suggests how easy it is to deceive appearance of human and other objects. Furthermore, the girls, who just had beautiful appearances, behaved as if nothing had happened, and denied what Robert told to his father. Therefore, the writer gives an evidence of how simple it is to deceive with the appearances, but not as simple and easy it is to deceive with the emotions. Compared with the first paragraph, the last two paragraphs are relatively shorter in length. The second paragraph is the shortest one that illustrates Eva and Maria putting the clothes, powder and lipstick to where they were at the beginning. In the third paragraph, the plot unfolds rapidly, and creates suspense when Robert reveals what had happened in the afternoon. Thus, the author is suggesting how fast and easy it is to deceive the in visual way and at the same time, how the truth can never be deceived completely. Most of the readers would find this passage hilarious, and at the same time, they might feel not so sympathetic toward Eva and Maria. However, most of the readers probably have experienced a similar situation which Robert or Eva and Maria are in. Therefore, the author could be telling the readers to have a flashback of a situation where they were Robert or Eva and Maria, and consider if they were trying to lie and deceive other person.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparison Of Trade Rivalries :: essays research papers

The German-Great Britain trade rivalry like the U.S.-Japan trade rivalry involved a rising power cutting into the trade of an already dominant trading power. There were several causes of the German-Great Britain trade rivalry according to Hoffman. The first was German's industry's zeal in procuring new contracts and expanding markets. They did this by fulfilling contracts even if they were very small and constantly trying to stay up with market demand. Second, Germans had a knowledge of languages that the English firms lacked. Third, German industry was aided by their government. In contrast Great Britain did not even supply consular assistance in helping develop markets in British colonies. Fourth, British trade was hurt by the conservatism of British manufacturers who were unwilling to develop new markets or hold onto those it already possessed. These four factors are just some of the factors that helped German industry grow and rival that of Great Britain. These four factors are all very similar to the Japan-U.S. trade rivalry. Japan like Germany was able to catch up to the U.S. because the U.S. was large and arrogant and refused to believe it could face competition from Japan. Like Britain, U.S. industry believed that they could hold onto markets and would not face competition. British and U.S. industry were startled by the fast rate of growth and industrialization that allowed Germany and Japan to transform themselves quickly into trading rivals. This fast rate of growth also caused friction between both sets of countries. Relations between Germany and Great Britain were damaged as they bickered over markets in particular colonies in Africa . This is similar to the friction between the U.S. and Japan unfair trading practices and closed markets. Both the U.S. and Great Britain in response to losing markets toyed with the idea of economic nationalism and tariffs. As Britain lost markets to Germany many in Britain felt that Britain should adopt tariffs on goods while others known as the free traders believed that a free trade would benefit Britain by creating markets. This split between Tariff Reformers and Free Traders is similar to the split in the U.S. between those in favor of free trade and those opposed to it. Germany's grab for new markets in the 1890's through commercial treaties such as the 1891 treaty with Austria-Hungry is similar to both the United States and Japan's free trade zones with neighboring

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Possible Community Health Hesi Topics

Potential Community Health HESI Topic Areas These are some additional areas you may want to considering being familiar with: Ancathosis nigricans A skin condition characterized by dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases. Most often, acanthosis nigricans affects your armpits, groin and neck. There's no specific treatment for acanthosis nigricans † but treating any underlying conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, may cause the changes in your skin changes to fade Characteristics of acanthosis nigricans include: Skin changes. Skin changes are the only signs of acanthosis nigricans.You'll notice dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases † typically in your armpits, groin and neck. Sometimes the lips, palms or soles of the feet are affected as well. Slow progression. The skin changes appear slowly, sometimes over months or years. Possible itching. Rarely, the affected areas may itch. Acanthosis nigricans is often associated with conditions that increa se your insulin level, such as type 2 diabetes or being overweight. If your insulin level is too high, the extra insulin may trigger activity in your skin cells. This may cause the characteristic kin changes.Question pertained to nurse checking for lice and noticing dark patch of skin on neck. Advisor role Antepartum – risk factors Anthrax incubation and exposure Assess trends and patterns Assessing income Assessment – validation Assignments – home care; Make sure students know how to prioritize home health clients (i. e. which ones to see/call back first. ) When given the choice between a patient with COPD who is short of breath, a terminally ill pt who refuses to eat or drink, or a pt with congestive heart failure who has gained 3 lbs, choose the last one. Asthma triageBattering-communication If the question pertains to a nurse suspecting a female patient has been abused and the woman has her child in the room with her, the nurse should ask the child to leave the room and question the woman about the abuse. The question does not pe rtain to the child being abused. Breast cancer-risk (who is at greatest risk) Calculate rate – population COBRA-cost (client still has to pay for expenses) When the question asks what would be a concern for a person who has lost their Job but has COBRA, the answer is paying for health care/expenses.Communicable disease (pertussis) Community – assessment Community Assessment – TB Community data source Community education – evaluate Community resource – elderly Community resources-population age Community resources – rural Community strategies – mental deficiencies Cultural competence Cultural -lactose intolerant Cultural – Native American (Native Americans are at high risk for diabetes – have the highest rates, so the nurse needs to screen for and educate about this).Culturally sensitive teaching CV disease – African American Diabetes AIC If a nurse is working in a community with high rates of diabetes and implements a rogram, at the end of 1 year (or whatever evaluation period is stated) the nurse will want to evaluate hemoglobin A1 C levels to determine effectiveness of program.Disaster – Cholera (Priority for treating those with cholera: fluid and electrolytes) Disaster- Professional Disaster – red tag triage Disaster planning Disaster Preparedness – START Disaster triage – color system Elder abuse-Home setting Elder health – assessment Employee health Epidemiological triad host Epidemiological triad agent Fall in home Family assistance – ophthalmic meds Family ecomapFlu vaccine-priority Gatekeeper Genetic risk – assessment Geriatrics – home nutrition Geriatric syndrome – home health GTD-hCG values Health Promotion Program – Planning Heart healthy diet – limit Heat stroke If an adolescent is playing sports at school and goes to the school nu rse with red, dry skin and other symptoms of heat stroke, the first thing the nurse should do is call for emergency personnel (not assess). Hepatitis A – risk Hep B vaccine – pregnancy Hepatovax B allergy Home care referral Home Health – Management Home health – PT Home safety – post arthroplastyHypertension-BP measure Immunize – 3rd world country Immunization rates Increase vaccination rates Infant mortality rate Influenza -prophylactic Relenza Lillian Wald – Henry Street (she established the Henry Street Settlement) Lipid screening Long-term care-infection Long-term car – fall prevention Meals-on-wheels Medicare Menomune vaccine Migrant worker risks Morbidity data – gather Morbidity data-glaucoma If a nurse is working with an elderly population and most of them are choosing to get a surgery that will CURE glaucoma, then the nurse will be concerned with assessing revalence of glaucoma (not morbidity).Needs assessment Ne ighborhood safe houses Neuman model – line of defense Obese children-parent involvement Occupational health – smoking Occupational nurse practitioner role Oral contraceptives – smokers Osteoporosis – prevention Outcome evaluation Polypharmacy – GERI Post vaccination teaching Primary prevention – adolescents Primary prevention – WIC Priority – HF lab results Program goal setting ty Care – nursing nome Quality Care – public clinic management Quality health – bicycle safety Rash with fever – PEDI (chicken pox)Ritalin evaluation – adolescent Assessing intervention with ADHD in an adolescent: get their feedback on improvement, as their self-esteem is priority School age screen (obesity) School nurse role If an adolescent comes to a school nurse and tells her she is pregnant, the nurse will want to implement measures to ensure the teen and her baby are healthy. These things include referral to prena tal care, encouraging prenatal vitamins, etc.The nurse will NOT tell the parents and things like arranging childcare or teaching breastfeeding are not something the school nurse will be involved in. creening – DM – PEDI Screening priority Question regarding hypothyroidism and the nurse recognizes that mental dysfunction is a long-term consequence. What is screening priority? Answers included screening for T3 in preschoolers or children (? ), iodine screening in people over 60, TSH in women over 45, and T4 in newborns. The answer is T4 in newborns.Seat belt safety-adolescents Secondary prevention – tobacco Secondary prevention – children Sensitivity of tests Social organization Stakeholder If a community health nurse is going into a community to try to develop or implement n intervention, remember one of the key things he/she must do is form a relationship with someone who would be identified as the stakeholder. Stakeholders will be someone who is invested in the health of the community and will be invested in the program to be implemented.They will be vital in the nurse gaining access into the community, the success of the program, and ensuring the sustainability of the program. STD-Reporting If an adolescent goes to the health dept and is diagnosed with chlamydia, the nurse must report this. It is a reportable disease that is monitored by the state and the CDC, and the disease intervention specialist must be informed to do contact tracing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Drama Analysis Essay

In preparing to write my drama-analysis research paper, I encountered a wealth of information regarding my topic: The Pursuit of Happyness, a film which I believe demonstrates a return to â€Å"classic† movie-making and also a return to film as inspiration rather than lamentation. In my essay, I argued that, despite certain flaws and tendencies to revision historical relaity, The Pursuit of Happyness is a great film , and potentially one of the most important American films. Arriving at this conclusion was a long and interesting road, which was partially established by the research and writing of the paper itself. However, I felt determining my opinions and reinforcing them with information from my research materials was much easier than organizing the paper and expressing my opinions in solid, correctly constructed writing. One approach that I thought would be workable, but which proved to be merely frustrating, was to draw primarily from my own experience and opinions about movies. In my original intention for the paper, I had imagined that I would contrast The Pursuit of Happyness with other films I had seen and contrast, also, the way these various movies made me feel and also what I may have thought about their technical aspects. When I tried to use these kinds of comparisons in the actual research paper, I felt like what had been so obvious to me, as a subjective movie viewer, would be very hard for others to identify with, unless I expended a tremendous amount of space and energy to explain my personal tastes and opinions. What seemed to work better than the inclusion of my extended opinions was the citation of otehrs’ opinions. There seemed to be two advantages in citing material which supported my opinions rather than merely offering my opinions themselves. the first advantage was that i found certain writers expressed my thoughts and ideas just as I would have liked to express them myself. However, because the writers of the articles and essays I cited were professionals, their words were much more succinct and precise than some of my own attempts at saying the same thing. The second benefit of using cited materials was that some of the opinions I cited were, in fact, slightly different â€Å"takes† on opinions of mine, and I don’t think i would have necessarily come to understand these slight variations without having done the research. So, rather than merely supporting my opinions, the research materials actually modified my opinions and sometimes reinforced them very nicely. I felt more confident and determined in my own thesis because I knew authoritative writers from The Wall Street Journal and other professional publications supported some of my views. The only real obstacle I faced with research was whittling down the enormous amount of available information. I think the Internet has made it easier to conduct wide-ranging research quickly, but that in itself makes it much more difficult to sift through all of the available information and pinpoint what will be useful in support of the research paper in question and its thesis. Defining my thesis itself was also challenging. The more I thought about stating my argument simply and directly in a single sentence or a couple of sentences, the less the whole idea seemed meaningful at all. I learned as I continued to work at defining my thesis that it is important to get everything set in a single direction. I’m not sure if I was actually successful in presenting a sharp, simple thesis, but I tried very hard, Essentially, I wanted to show that The Pursuit of Happyness is a good film and one which also returns film-making to a role which it has steadily abandoned over the years in America: that of inspiring people. I believed that the thesis statement is true and feel it is true,. but I found that making my points in writing and spelling them out logically, as well as addressing counter-arguments forced me to reconsider my solidly constructed beliefs. Even though my overall opinions did not change very much, my respect for the logical formation of written arguments grew steadily as I worked on my own paper. Just as it is important to think simply in many way to secure a good thesis for a research paper, it seems important tow rite simply, as well. That is, I think it is important to stay on topic and make your argument point by point rather than digressing or getting too far off of track, no matter how tempting it is to launch into extra thoughts and associations. Even paragraph by paragraph, I think, all of the sentences should be necessary and feed into one another. I wasn’t as aware of this fact before spending time on the drama-analysis research paper. In addition to learning valuable steps and techniques for writing and thinking, the process of writing the paper caused me to re-examine the methods or logic by which I arrive at my opinions in the first place. I think that;s the most important thing I leaned in composing my research paper: that the logic and â€Å"formal† thought that goes into writing a good research paper differs widely from the â€Å"looser† thoughts and associations which typically help define at least my own subjective opinions. I’m not sure IO was aware of just how different my â€Å"everyday† thoughts and logic were from those which are necessary to present a clear, convincing argument which is backed up by solid evidence. In the long run, I feel certain that I could now make, as a consequence of my experience in writing the research paper, a much stronger argument on behalf of my original opinions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

McDonalds and Its Critics 1973

McDonalds and Its Critics 1973 Introduction Marketing entails offering quality products at reasonable prices. The research focuses on the marketing strategy of McDonald’s Company and its critics. The research includes the history of McDonald’s Company from its humble birth in California to its current worldwide acceptance as the best seller in the food and beverage market segment.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on McDonalds and Its Critics: 1973- 2009 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Specifically, the research includes a SWOT analysis. The research ends with a recommendation as to what McDonald’s should venture into in the years to come. McDonald’s implements textbook-based marketing strategies to catapult it to its present stature in the restaurant, food, and beverage world. History Gilbert Sara (4) emphasized McDonald’s was founded by Ray Kroc. Dick and Mac McDonald’s had opened its McDonaldâ₠¬â„¢s Restaurant on 14th and E streets in San Bernardino state, California in 1940. The original store included a drive-in environment with a corresponding large menu and car hop services. In 1949, Dick and Mac had reduced their menu. The new menu item list included hamburger, cheeseburger, soft drinks, coffee, milk, potato chips, and pie. The most popular menu during this time period is the 15c hamburger. In 1954, Ray Kroc accidentally enters the McDonald’s scene by selling a multimixer product to both Dick and Mac McDonald’s. Ray Kroc learns that both owners of McDonald’s were interested to set up franchises of their McDonald’s restaurant in many cities across the United States. Ray Kroc decides to enter the McDonald’s franchising business. Consequently, Ray Kroc opens his first McDonald’s store in Des Moines Plaines, Illinois on April 15, 1955. Stanley Meston created the Golden Arches logo of McDonald’s. The company’s first day sale catapulted to $366. This was a large sum of money when comparing the value of $366 during that time period and today’s $366 value. The cost of food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities were cheaper back then compared to the prices of food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities of today, April 20, 2011. In 1965, the company was able to franchise 700 McDonald’s restaurants across the United States. The new recipes included the â€Å"Big Mac† which was introduced to the public in 1968 and the replacement of potato chips with French fries. McDonald’s celebrates its 25 years of business operations. In addition, the company reached its 50th anniversary in 2005. In 2008, McDonald’s came up with a global design of the company’s products. SWOT Analysis Strengths {internal} Anja Bohm (12) opined McDonald’s company has its strengths. First, the company has distinctive competencies. The competencies include its strategic advantag es. Competencies include low prices, high quality goods, excellent service and.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Second, the company gains a competitive advantage, people will enthusiastically flock to a new McDonald’s branch because the McDonalds name is a name that can be trusted and admired. Third, the company has a strong marketing strategy. The company spends lots of money for advertising the different McDonalds products in the television, radio, and newspapers. Fourth, the company has strength in research and development. The company continues to experiment with new ingredients and menu to pamper the current and future McDonalds clients. Fifth, the company has strengths in human resource management. The crew are well trained to serve each client the same high quality way; serving the same high quality products at low prices. Sixth, the compan y has strengths in information system. Clients and log on to the online McDonald’s website and make an order for hamburgers, French fries and the like. Seventh, the company has strengths in infrastructure. The company sets up the standard McDonald’s restaurant format. The people from different countries have grown to love the same store fast food style infrastructure, especially the busy working person. Anja Bohm (12) reiterated the McDonald’s Company has its strengths. The strengths represent the McDonald’s development and growth of the company over time which is identified as the company’s â€Å"competitive advantage† and â€Å"distinctive competency† that is responsible for the company’s growth to be one of the top restaurants, food, and beverage companies of the world. The company has the most critical components of a company’s financial resources. The company’s high revenues allow the company to have ready ca sh on hand to pay for its maturing obligations as well as daily operating expenses. There are other strengths not discussed above. First, the McDonald’s Company has distinctive competencies that include a strong worldwide presence. The company is recognized the leader in the fast food chain market segment around the world, especially within the United States. Everyone within the United States and major cities around the world has come across the name McDonald’s. People from all walks of life have visited a McDonald’s store. Everyone will comfortable that they can easily munch the same McDonald’s quality and taste whether one is in Los Angeles, California, Upstate New York, Virginia, London, China, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, India, and other countries.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on McDonalds and Its Critics: 1973- 2009 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Second, the Mc Donald’s Company has under its worldwide fast food market segment more than 30,995 restaurants. The restaurants are strategically located in many places around the world. More importantly, more than 13,998 of the McDonald’s Company’s own stores are strategically located in many major cities within the local United States territory. The establishment of the McDonald’s Company restaurants in different parts of the world indicates that there is strong demand for the McDonald’s Company’s products and services. The increase in the number of McDonald’s Company restaurants around the world proves that there is a strong demand for McDonald’s Company products and services. Third, the McDonald’s Company introduces the important economies of scale principles in assigning costs and prices on its McDonald’s products. With the implementation of the economies of scale principle, the company continues to lessen its restaurant ope rating costs to more realizable levels. Specifically, the implementation of the scale greatly lessens the expenses of its overall charting of new paths into uncharted fast food market segments around the world. The economies of scale theory states that some countries are composed of a majority of poor people. The economies of scale theory states that some countries are composed of a majority of poor people. The economies of scale theory states that some countries are composed of a majority of very rich people. The economies of scale theory states that some countries are composed of a majority of average income people. McDonald’s offers it products at low prices. The company targets the general masses of the community. Since there are poorer and average income people in the community compared to the community of rich and very rich persons, McDonald’s targets the average income and low income groups of people. The company is satisfied to generate a small income because t here will be more clients visiting the McDonald’s stores compared to restaurants and food and beverages stores that offer its food and service products at very high prices. Fourth, the McDonald’s Company maintains a string of children’s charities around many of its branches around the world. The name of the charity is The Ronald McDonald House. The McDonald’s Company spends lots of cash to feed the children entering its charity outlets. By engaging in children’s charities the image of the McDonald’s Company will improve in the eyes of the current and future customers. The amount allocated for the care of the childrenAdvertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fifth, the McDonald’s Company focuses on the clients’ health and overall well-being. The company only uses ingredients that have passed its strict high standards. The McDonald’s Company complies with all the policies of the United States Department of Agriculture in terms of healthiness of the food ingredients and the food itself. The company ensures that ingredients used in the production of goods and services are not spoiled or expired. The use of expired or spoiled food ingredients may cause the customers to suffer from food poisoning. Consequently, the customers can file a case in court for the food poisoning incidents. Such cases will cause a huge dent the image of the McDonald’s Company. The company goes out of its way to protect its image. A damaged image will translate to a decline in the demand for the company’s products and services. A decline in the demand for the company’s products and services will cause a drop in the companyâ⠂¬â„¢s revenues. A reduction in the company’s revenues will translate to a reduction in the company’s net profits. Sixth, Anja Bohm (12) reiterated the McDonald’s Company invests in properties around the world and offers franchises. The establishment of McDonald’s Company restaurants around the world shows that many investors believe that the infusion of their hard-earned cash into the McDonald’s Company will be a profitable decision. The spread of McDonald’s Company restaurants indicate the investors are comfortable with their capital investment decision to have one or more franchises of the McDonald’s Company restaurant. Seventh, the McDonald’s Company has a long list of real estate portfolios. The company is willing and able to purchase properties in different countries around the world. The purchase of such properties would be useful in terms of improving the company’s balance sheet presentation. The investors would be happy to see that the McDonald’s Company’s properties have increased through the years. An increase in the McDonald’s Company’s properties shows there is also an increase in the company’s stockholders’ equity accounts. Eight, the McDonald’s Company has patents over very popular food items. The food items include Big Mc, Chicken McNuggets. Patents are defined as the government’s right given to an inventor or new product developer to craft the McDonald’s Company products. The copyright prevents the competitors and new entrants to the restaurant, food, and beverage competitors to produce the same products or even use the same product name such as â€Å"Big Mac†. Ninth, the McDonald’s Company has one of the world’s most recognized logos. The Company’s logo is a huge â€Å"M† sign. Any person seeing the â€Å"M† logo can easily state that it means a McDonald’s restaurant is located nearby where the â€Å"M† sign can be easily seen from afar. Tenth, the McDonald’s Company focuses its unwavering attention on its corporate social responsibility. The company implements community-caring programs. The programs are aimed at giving back to the community what the community has given to each McDonald’s restaurant located in major cities around the world in terms of food and beverage revenues. Eleventh, the McDonald’s Company incorporates the local culture in all its branches in the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa, and other parts of the world. The McDonald’s Company hires the local residents to manage each McDonald’s restaurant. With the locally-hired McDonald’s employees, the company can be classified as a diversity-based company. The Chinese employees bring a touch of the local Chinese culture to the McDonald’s China branches. Likewise, the Korean employees bring a touch of the local Korean culture to McDonald’s Korean branches. The United Kingdom employees bring a touch of the local United Kingdom culture to the McDonald’s United Kingdom branches. Twelfth, the McDonald’s Company is strategically located in major airports, cities, highways, tourist attractions, and parks. Consequently, the large number of people passing through each McDonald’s branch easily accepts the sumptuous menu items displayed in each McDonald’s establishment. Weaknesses {internal} Mike Meldrum (27) reiterated the McDonald’s Company has its weaknesses. First, the McDonald’s Company uses advertising strategies focused on inviting the children to visit the nearest McDonald’s restaurant. Second, the McDonald’s Company implements a low pricing strategy to capture the competitors’ current clients. Clients would easily transfer their preference to McDonald’s products because the prices of their food items are low. Consequently, the comp etitors are forced to reduce their prices to levels matching or even nearing the McDonald’s food pricing levels. Third, the McDonald’s Company lacks the penchant to innovate its products. The company continues to sell the same old McDonald’s products. The products include hamburgers, French fries, coffee, chocolate, beverage, Big Mac, and others. The people will generally prefer a change in the food menu to avoid boredom. Opportunities {the external environment surrounding the company} Mike Meldrum (27) theorized the company’s superior performance is the result of a successful fit between strategy and the environment. The community needs low priced food to fill their hunger fangs. In response, McDonalds creates high quality products to fill the community’s needs, wants, and caprices. In addition, the company’s main technique is to analyze the competitors. The McDonalds Company does not fear the entry of new competitors because it is difficul t to outmatch the McDonalds Company’s established high quality products sold at low prices. The suppliers are willing to supply McDonalds with highest quality ingredients and other company needs at reasonable prices. The McDonalds Company does not fear product substitution because the substitutes are sold at higher prices; the clients will prefer lower priced goods and services. Realistically other traditional restaurant competitors offer their products higher prices than McDonalds. Nadine Pahl (73) proposed The McDonald’s Company has its set of opportunities. First, the McDonald’s Company can effortlessly adapt to the food needs of the community where the company has established its strategically located branches. The company can introduce products that are very popular in the competitors’ restaurants. For example, the China branch of McDonald’s can introduce the popular food menus being sold to the competing Chinese restaurants or food outlets. S econd, Mike Meldrum (27) theorized the McDonald’s Company can introduce new marketing strategies to increase its revenues. The company can set up websites in each city, community, or state. With the McDonald’s website, the clients can easily order a hamburger or coffee with just the click of the mouse. In addition, the company can distribute leaflets or promotional brochures to communities indicating the cell phone text numbers. The clients can easily order a McDonald’s Big Mac just by sending a cell phone text message to the local community’s McDonald’s branch. Threats {the external environment surrounding the company} In terms of threats, Mike Meldrum (27) insists the company can easily hurdle the encroaching new competitors because the new entrants cannot easily win the away the established client base of the McDonalds brand. Further, the supplier threats can easily be resolved by contacting other suppliers to offer reasonably priced ingredients and other products. Likewise, the threat of substitute products can be easily answered by offering different product choices within the McDonald’s restaurant. For example, the Starbucks coffee is price three times higher than a cup of McDonald’s coffee. Economics tells us the as prices go up, the demand for the products decreases. Thus, McDonald’s will always better alternative compared to Starbucks coffee because there are more middle income and low income people than rich people. The restaurant and food industry is composed of strategic groups. McDonald’s countless branches around the world are one strategic group that constantly wins most of the current and prospective client’s food preference. The members of McDonald’s Company’s strategic group can easily resolve its immediate competitor situation. The company has been successful in implementing one universal marketing strategy to capture the new clients and communities food pref erences. Currently, the company is at its maturity stage in the product life cycle environment. The people from around the world have accepted McDonald’s as a mature company that serves their quality food needs at low prices for more than 50 years. Likewise, the macroeconomic environment, political environment, global environment, legal environment and social environment continues to be very favorable to the setting up of a new McDonald’s branch as well as the continued profitability of each currently established McDonald’s brand. The McDonald’s Company has to contend with its threats. First, the McDonald’s Company has to overcome the current economic depression or recession. The recession covers much of the United States and Europe. The recession has reduced the current clients’ penchant to spend quality time gobbling a McDonald’s hamburger or sipping coffee while reading the newspaper’s headline stories. Second, the McDonaldà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Company has to resolve the currency exchange rate fluctuations. The McDonald’s Company will be happy if the currency exchange rate between the United States dollar and the Chinese currency, Yuan, will remain on the same level. A change in the currency exchange rate between the two currencies may spell an increase in revenues and profits or a decrease in revenues and profits. Third, many of the competitors are coming up with new food items that can rival the taste, price, and quality of the McDonald’s products. Many local restaurants can easily implement new marketing strategies to please the ever-changing needs, wants, and caprices of its current and future food customers. On the other hand, the McDonald’s Company continues to steadfastly hold on to its popular brands throughout the years. Fourth, the McDonald’s Company has to finally settle the health issues relating to the company’s food products. Everyone knows that eating too much hamb urger is hazardous to a person’s health. Too much indulgence in the McDonald’s products may trigger hypertension, diabetes, and other ailments, especially for the â€Å"older† generation of restaurant clients. Fourth, the McDonald’s Company focuses a major part of its capital investment on advertising. People often see McDonald’s advertisements in television shows. Likewise, McDonald’s advertisements are found in newspapers. In addition, McDonald’s advertisements are found in radio stories. Fifth, many of the parents detest the McDonald’s Company’s marketing strategy. The strategy focuses on enticing the children to visit the nearest McDonald’s restaurant. The children are easy prey to the continuous advertising of the McDonald’s products and services. Consequently, the growing child will bring the McDonald’s food craze into their adulthood and elderly stages of life. Sixth, the McDonald’s Com pany has been sued in courts for the effects of the unhealthy McDonald’s products on the health of its current and future restaurant customers. The lawsuits include charges that the food items are injected with addictive additives. The additives will create a craving among the current and future McDonald’s Company clients to return back to the nearest McDonald’s fast food restaurant to buy another set of McDonald’s addictive products to satisfying their addiction to the McDonald’s food items. Seventh, major competitors are slowly, but surely, creeping into McDonald’s market segment and literally grabbing major markets. The popular Starbucks coffee is gaining a continuing increase in coffee lovers. Likewise, Burger King has been able increase its food and beverage market share by chopping away and pirating many of the clients of McDonald’s. In addition, Wendy’s has successfully increased the number of its worldwide branches. The increase in Wendy’s branches translates a decline in the McDonald’s clients. Eight, the McDonald’s Company’s setting up of new branches in other countries has been unfavorable in many instances. Some countries have slow economies which translate to slow sales. Slow sales statistical figures translate to slow profits. On the other hand, a fast economy translates to fast revenue generating activity. It is common knowledge that some countries have slow economies while other countries have fast economies. Consequently, a fast economy will generate more revenues and profits compared to companies with slow economic inputs. Normally, communities or countries with few people having purchasing money will translate to lesser revenues and profits when compared to communities or countries having more people with higher purchasing power or having more money to spend for McDonald’s products. The company’s control systems Karl Moore (83) emphasized the co mpany’s control systems focus is very realistic. The store officers and staff ensure that all the company’s ingredients are fresh and healthy. The store officers have implemented one strict production process in all the McDonald’s Company branches around the world. The company’s food preparation manual indicates the step by step process of preparing, cooking, and serving each McDonald’s around the world. The food preparation process in the California McDonald’s Company branch is similar to the food preparation of the McDonald’s Company branch in Florida. Likewise, the food preparation process in the United Kingdom McDonald’s Company branch is similar to the food preparation of the McDonald’s Company branch in France. The food preparation process in the Saudi McDonald’s Company branch is similar to the food preparation of the McDonald’s Company branch in India. The implementation of only one standard tried a nd tested ingredient choosing, and food cooking, and food preparation in all the McDonald’s Company branches around the world ensures that the outcome of each McDonald’s Company food and beverage activity complies with the company’s preset quality standards. The company implements preset standards as a measure of quality performance. All branches must adhere to the standards for the sake of maintaining the company’s top spot in the world’s fast food market segment. The McDonald’s Company officers compare the employees’ actual job performance with established standards with the aim of improving any lackluster service performed by the company’s crew. The McDonald’s Company officers do not waste any time in correcting or alleviation any customer complaints. The McDonald’s Company food crew is a human being, sometimes one commits unintentional errors. The new greenhorn employees are apt to commit mistakes fulfilling t he needs, wants, and caprices of the clients. The McDonald’s Company must be quick to remedy such errors to ensure the company will continue to patronize the company’s products and services. It is also customary to post the picture of the best employee of the month in each McDonald’s Company branch as a reward for enthusiastic and hardworking employees. Recommendations Based on the above discussion, it is highly recommended that the company continue its present course in terms of ingredient choosing, food cooking, food preparation, and pricing of the regularly sold McDonald’s Company products that include the â€Å"Big Mac†, Chicken McNuggets, the Frappes, and the standard hamburger, coffee, egg McMuffins, chicken, and other McDonald’s mainstay products being sold in its more than 50 years of existence. The company should continue to expand its horizons by setting up more branches in other communities and countries to ensure that the worldâ €™s craving for the favorite McDonald’s Company products will be filled to overflowing status. The Company does not have to retrench its employees because the company’s food and beverage market segment continues to generate huge revenues and profits. The company can use a combination of online (internet website) ordering, cell phone texting, and phone calls as a means for current and future clients to fill their need for the mouth-watering McDonald’s Company products. In terms of the future, the horizon is crystal clear. Crystal clear means the company sees an increase in the number of McDonald’s Company branches sprouting like mushrooms in other cities that do not have a McDonald’s Company branch within the reach of the hamburger-loving, French fry-loving, and chicken McNuggets-craving residents. Using trend analysis, since the current trend of setting up new McDonald’s Company branches in the past has spelled financial success, the com pany should continue in its unwavering stand to set up new branches in other parts of the world. In terms of rationalizing, the company has been able to generate profits from each branch set up in major places where a huge volume of people congregate, the company should continue its present course to set up new McDonald’s Company branches, in malls, groceries, busy street corners, airports, train stations, and other busy intersections around the world. Conclusion Marketing includes offering quality products at reasonable prices. The history of McDonald’s Company from its humble birth in California to its current worldwide acceptance as the best seller in the food and beverage market segment shows the company deserves the accolades for striving to be the best in terms of product quality and quality service. Specifically, the SWOT analysis scrutinizes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of McDonald’s. The recommendations show that McDonaldâ€℠¢s continue its present course because the company will continue to generate more revenues and profits. Indeed, McDonald’s Company continues to successfully implement textbook-based marketing strategies to retain its catapulted stature as one of the best in the restaurant, food, and beverage world. Bohm, Anja M. The SWOT Analysis. New York: Grin Press, 2009. Gilbert, Sara P. The Story of McDonalds. New York: Creative Press, 2008. Moore, Karl A. Marketing: The Basics. New York: Taylor Francis Press, 2009. Pahl, Nadine R. SWOT Anaysis, Methodology, and Practical Approach. New York: Grin Press, 2009.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Looking At The Different Types Of Work Placements Social Work Essay Essay Example

Looking At The Different Types Of Work Placements Social Work Essay Essay Example Looking At The Different Types Of Work Placements Social Work Essay Essay Looking At The Different Types Of Work Placements Social Work Essay Essay Following from this the company developed a residential attention place in the North East of England, a separate company was so established in 2000, its purpose being to supply a scope of surrogate arrangements in the North of England for kids and immature people. This is the portion of the company in which I am placed, it has two offices ; one in the North East of England and one in Manchester. Together the offices have provided arrangements for 21 Social Services Departments in the North of England with the bulk in this country being from Middlesbrough, Darlington and Stockton on Tees Social Services. The bureau is registered with the British Association for Adoption and Fostering ( BAAF ) . The office in which I am placed is in consists of a Registered Manager, a portion clip Social Work squad leader, three full clip Social Workers and an Administrative Assistant. It has 17 sets of Approved Foster Carers which provide arrangements for 19 kids. The Fostering squad is made up of four societal workers each with a lower limit of six old ages professional experience. The values which underpin the bureau s attack to furthering are that kids are entitled to a safe life environment where they feel unafraid and their rights and sentiments are respected ( Student Handbook 2009, p9 ) . This is in line with the United Kingdom Every Child Matters Policy. To follow this through the bureau works in partnership with the kid, their household and their societal worker. The bureau strives to put kids within their ain cultural and cultural background every bit far as possible. The Foster Carers and staff who use this office are of White British ethnicity, there are some kids of different ethnicity to that and this is acknowledged before fiting. The ethnicity in the office is a contemplation of the general population in the local country which is predominately White British. Conversely the office in Manchester has foster carers and staff of diverse ethnicity in maintaining with the catchment country which is culturally more varied. The bureau acknowledges cultural diverseness by practising anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive policies and by preparation classs The bureau works within ; The Department of Health Looking After Children , Good Parenting, Good Outcomes guidelines , Quality Protects public presentation indexs, The Children Act 1989, The Foster Placement ( Children ) Regulations 1991, Working Together to Safeguard Children 1999 A ; 2006, The Human Rights Act 1999, The Protection of Children Act 1999, The Children ( Leaving Care ) Act 2000, The Care Standards Act 2000 and related Regulations Standards, The Children Act 2004 and the Every Child Matters Agenda 5 Outcomes 2003 and the Fostering Regulations and the Fostering Standards 2002. The bureau marks specific results for the kids and immature people they look after, this is underpinned by policies such as the 2003 Green Paper Every Child Matters and the 1989 Five Outcomes of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which are ; Bing healthy Staying safe Enjoying and accomplishing Making a positive part 5. Economic wellbeing. Therefore, the bureau s purposes for the kids they look after are that they enjoy the best possible physical and mental wellness, they fulfil their educational potency, experience security in their fond regards and do satisfying and appropriate societal, household and peer relationships, ( pupil enchiridion, 2008, p10 ) . Work Undertaken by Agency The work undertaken by the Fostering Team is varied although the aim is to supply high quality foster attention arrangements for kids who are being looked after by the Local Authority. This work includes the seeking of possible Foster carers, questioning and measuring them, utilizing British Association for Adoption and Fostering ( BAAF ) Form F1, the national appraisal model for possible Foster carers and adoptive parents. This is assessment procedure is conducted inline with the: Fostering Servicess Regulations 2002 Regulations ; 11 ) , Duty to Secure Welfare, 19 ) , Staffing of Fostering Services, 20 ) , Fitness of Workers, 21 ) , Employment of Staff. And with the ; National Minimum Standards, Fostering Services Regulations 2002 6 ) Supplying suited surrogate carers. 7 ) Valuing Diversity. 8 ) Matching. 9 ) Protecting from maltreatment and disregard. 12 ) Promoting development and wellness. 13 ) Promoting educational accomplishment. 14 ) Fixing for maturity. 15 ) Suitability to work with kids. The procedure takes about six months and during which the measuring societal workers seek information from the appliers about their grounds for fosterage, accomplishments and experience, yesteryear and current relationships, ( BAAF Form F1, ) . This grounds garnering procedure includes seeking personal and professional mentions to confirm information from the applier and to derive a Fuller position on rearing capacity and attachment manner. Health mentions involve a medical and any old strong beliefs must be disclosed by Criminal Records Bureau ( CRB ) for the applier and any important others. To fix the applier for the function of surrogate lovingness and to develop accomplishments before panel meet the bureau provides preparation and support, the applications are so presented to the Independent Fostering Panel for blessing. This procedure meets the Fostering Regulations Standards 2002, Regulations ; 26 ) , Functions of Fostering Panel. 28 ) , Approval of Foster Parents. 29 ) , Reviews and Terminations of Approval. And the National Minimum Standards, Fostering 2002, Standard 30, Fostering Panels. On blessing the panel will make up ones mind footings and conditions of the determination which will include figure of kids, ages and type of arrangement, the applier is so given written notice of the footings and specifications of blessing, ( Fostering Regulations 2002, reg,28 ) . The nexus societal workers assigned to the appliers provide ongoing support before and after blessing, this bureau provides ongoing preparation to enable surrogate carers provide safe attention inline with the Fostering Regulations 2002. Once approved the bureau can so accept Foster carers and fit the carers to the referrals the bureau receives from the local authorization. Beforehand the fosterage link societal workers guarantee that surrogate carers and their families are in conformity with the Foster attention ordinances. This is maintained by regular supervising, record maintaining and one-year unheralded visits to the surrogate carer s place by the nexus worker. Both the Foster carers and the nexus workers have to work in partnership with others involved with the kid or immature individual s attention program. The nexus societal workers have to fit kids to further carers meticulously, this includes run intoing the conditions laid down by panel and the experience of the carers. As portion of this procedure the nexus societal worker checkerss a Safer Caring Agreement for the kid s arrangement which is read and signed by the carer. A transcript of this papers is kept with the carer s file at the bureau. Within 7 yearss a Placement Review Meeting takes topographic point with the kid, surrogate carers, the kid s societal worker and the bureau nexus worker. This meeting defines the kid s wants and needs during arrangement, detailing the modus operandis for arrangement, wellness and educational demands. The bureau is further involved with the kid through contact with the Foster carer and engagement in the Looked After Review which takes topographic point 28 yearss, 3 monthly and 6 monthly after arrangement. These reappraisals are multi disciplinary with attending by everyone involved in the kid s attention program. The bureau nexus workers work specifically with the Foster carers to supply ongoing support. The kids have their ain Local Authority societal workers but the nexus workers besides seek the positions of the kids, usually by the one-year unheralded visit from the bureau nexus worker and when the Foster carer has supervising. The kids s positions are ever taken in private so they can talk freely without the Foster carer being present, this is to afford the kid infinite to raise concerns in maintaining with his or her rights ( Human Rights Act 1999 ) . can this be saved? Fostering referrals come into the bureau from the local authorization kid arrangement squads, they can be either arranged or exigency referrals. It is the duty of the bureau to measure each referral and to do appropriate lucifers with surrogate carers. Foster carers are consulted before the lucifer is made, the nexus societal worker besides meets the kid to reassure and seek the kid s positions. The Foster Carers are self employed for intents of income revenue enhancement but the bureau has taken rank for Foster Talk an administration which provides legal and insurance screen for surrogate carers. The bureau have duties to back up the Foster carers to guarantee they are supplying a secure, safe arrangement, to follow with Health and Safety ordinances and to guarantee the surrogate carer s professional development. Further to National and European demands the bureau has developed it s ain company policies which include the company s duties as an employer and supplier of attention. These include ; The Foster Carer Task A ; Every Child Matters, Young People Missing from Home, Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, Health and Safety at Work, Complaints and Whistle Blowing. These company policies are updated yearly. To accomplish the Five Outcomes the bureau works to the UK Government Secretary for State published National Minimum Standards for Foster Care in ( 1999? ) 2000 under subdivision 23 ( 1 ) of the Care Standards Act ( 2000 ) .These are national criterions which are the demand for best pattern. The bureau has its ain policies but besides is in concurrence with the British Association of Adoption and Fostering. Foster Carers are given an initial preparation called Skills to Foster which is by the Fostering Network and provides the carers with the theoretical cognition to use to their pattern. This is supported by ongoing preparation provided by the bureau and outside administrations. Foster Carers besides have to finish the Children s Workforce, Development Council ( CWDC ) Training, Support and Development Standards for Foster Care. These prescribed criterions have to be attained by 2011 by all current Foster attention practicians, and for new carers they have to be completed within the first twelvemonth.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ten of the most in demand jobs for 2019

Ten of the most in demand jobs for 2019 As we make our way into 2019, you may be thinking about what your next step is, career-wise. If you’re looking to make some changes, here are some of the hottest and fastest-growing jobs and fields to consider. Medical Services ManagerThe job outlook doesn’t get much hotter than in healthcare right now. And with booms in technology and an aging population, it’s a field that will be growing for decades to come. Medical services managers, also known as healthcare administrators, hold a lot of power and responsibility for the nation’s healthcare. They work in hospitals or other medical facilities and coordinate medical and health services for patients. They provide the infrastructure for medical personnel to work with patients, and may manage a clinic, an entire hospital, or a group of physicians.These managers handle administrative tasks and ensure that medical care follows healthcare laws, regulations, and technology. The demand for medical services managers is expected to grow 20% by 2024, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.What you’ll need: A bachelor’s degree is recommended, an d a background in healthcare is an asset.What they make: The median annual salary is $98,350, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Nursing AssistantWith much of the Baby Boomer population aging and needing advanced medical care, nursing assistants provide valuable boots-on-the-ground services. These aides help provide basic medical care in hospitals or other medical facilities, like nursing homes. Tasks may include helping patients with everyday tasks (like feeding, bathing, or dressing), transporting patients, and preparing patients for treatments or procedures. The demand for nursing assistants is expected to grow 11% by 2024, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.What you’ll need: Completion of a nursing assistant educational or training program, plus passing a certification exam.What they make: The median annual salary is $27,510, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Fitness TrainerOn the everyday end of the health and wellness trend are professionals like fitness trainers. Trainers help people develop and maintain fitness and wellness plans, teach fitness classes, and educate clients on healthy lifestyle choices. The demand for fitness trainers is expected to grow 10% by 2024, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.What you’ll need: A high school diploma or equivalent, plus on-the-job training. Trainers may also need to pass a certification test, depending on your state’s requirements. You should also be in good physical condition.What they make: The median annual salary is $39,210, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Software DeveloperTechnology rules our lives, and the information sector job outlook is growing as well. Software developers are responsible for the design and user experience of various computer programs and systems. The demand for software developers is expected to grow 24% by 2024, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.What you’ll need: Software developers typically have a bachelor’s degree in information technology or a related field.What they make: The median annual salary is $103,560, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.StatisticianStatisticians help manage the data of everyday life and help turn it into meaningful, actionable information. Statisticians can be found in government agencies or private industries, gathering data and using theories and models to predict outcomes and guide decision-making. They typically combine mathematical expertise and technology to wrangle data. The demand for statisticians is expected to grow 33% by 2024, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.What you’ll need: Statisticians typically have a master’s degree in statistics or mathematics, although you may be able to start with a bachelor’s degree in one of these fields.What they make: The median annual salary is $84,760, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Nurse PractitionerNursing is a field where there’s a continuous need for qualified professionals, and nurse practitioners are one of the most in-demand segments of the nursing population. Nurse practitioners are advanced nurses who can provide specialized care, similar to physicians. Nurse practitioners provide primary or secondary care, and in some cases can prescribe medications and treatments. The demand for nurse practitioners is expected to grow 33% by 2024, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.What you’ll need: Nurse practitioners typically have a master’s degree in a nursing specialty, and must also pass a national certification exam, plus meet state licensing requirements. Each state has its own requirements, so be sure to check your own state’s.What they make: The median annual salary is $110,930, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Occupational Therapy AssistantIn occupational therapy, patients work on a prescribed recovery plan to recover from illness or injury, including working on daily skills or physical strength. Therapists and their assistants work directly with these patients, developing and implementing treatment plans as well as physically assisting patients. The demand for occupational therapy assistants is expected to grow 28% by 2024, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.What you’ll need: Occupational therapy assistants typically have an associate’s degree from an accredited occupational therapy assistant program, plus on-the-job training. Individual states may have different licensing requirements, so be sure to check yours.What they make: The median annual salary is $56,690, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Market Research AnalystCompanies rely on customer and market data to make crucial business decisions. This is where market research analysts come in. These professionals take raw data and apply knowledge of the industry, customer base, and other factors to determine trends, pricing, and customer reaction. The demand for market research analysts is expected to grow 23% by 2024, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.What you’ll need: Market research analysts typically have a bachelor’s degree in marketing or economics, although some advanced positions may require a master’s degree. A strong set of math and analytical skills is essential as well.What they make: The median annual salary is $63,230, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Construction LaborerIf you’re looking for a career that’s more hands-on, the construction industry will continue to grow this year. Construction laborers work on building or construction sites, doing physical labor to build or repair. The demand for construction laborers is expected to grow 12% by 2024, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.What you’ll need: There is usually no specific educational requirement for entry-level construction worker jobs, although there is usually an on-the-job training component to develop skills and practice safety. This is also a very physically demanding job, so you should be able to perform heavy physical tasks.What they make: The median annual salary is $33,450, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Medical TechnicianNot all essential healthcare roles are found in doctors’ offices or hospital clinics; some are way behind the scenes. Working in laboratories, medical technicians (also known as medical lab scientists or medical lab technicians) process samples and analyze bodily fluids or other biological materials. The demand for medical technicians is expected to grow 13% by 2024, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.What you’ll need: Medical technicians typically need an associate’s degree or a certificate from a certified training program, plus completion of a licensing process. Individual states may have different licensing requirements, so be sure to check yours.What they make: The median annual salary is $51,770, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.If 2019 has you itching for a new path in your career, there are lots of growing, thriving industries that could be a fantastic fit for you and your goals.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Framework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Framework - Essay Example This paper reviews and compares the methodologies, recommending the best strategy to develop the system. Analysis Fixit’s Nature of business Fixit TV repairs and video repairs deals with the repair of various electrical and electronic equipment while also selling part of the equipment. The employee base of the enterprise is made up of proprietor, who deals with customers and does most of the repair work, a part-time administrator who deals with the book-keeping and bill payments, and a team of sub-contractors who are brought in as necessary. At present the day-to-day running relies heavily on the proprietor’s memory or is written on a scrap of paper. As indicated, at the moment all procedures are manual, repairs are logged as they arrive, and the equipment and the customer details together the descriptions of the fault are always noted, giving each job a unique job ticket. The ticket has a unique number and contains the customer demographic details, the equipmentâ€℠¢s details and the fault’s description. As a result of the complexities associated with the current procedure, the business through its proprietor seeks to implement a new system to run the business operations. However many question arise in how to develop the system. Questions How can the requirement be captured How can these requirements be conceptualized How can the system design be implemented, tested and debugged How will it be documented? How can the system be integrated, evolved, maintained and finally decommissioned? Comparison Agile development approach and object oriented design have various features which make them significant though distinctively separate. The main distinction is the approach in which the developer employs to realize an end product. The agile development approach involves a set of software development approaches which are founded on incremental and iterative development (Satzinger, Jackson& Burd 2012). On the other hand, object based design is a p rocedure of planning a scheme of relating objects for the reason of resolving a software issue. The primary thing to consider in the assertions is the reality that one encompasses planning while the other employs emergent and incremental development approaches. To begin with agile development approaches, it utilizes some principles and practices which can be glowered upon by various developer who favor planning and implementation of plan as opposed to bind coding. The major setback with this approach is that the design models do not need to model each single detail. The models do not require to be complete and perfect. This implies that an iterative methodology is utilized whereby no specifics are being operated with, instead they are operated on in tandem with the deliverable system. The other challenge relates to the documentation of the end system. With the case of agile development approach, the documentation of the system though essential is not accorded the much desired emphas is as it is the case with object oriented design(Yourdon 1994). Instead, the agile approach focuses on unit tests to form a greater part of the documentation of the design. Now as we develop the system using the agile approaches and procedures guided by spiral or waterfall model, without the presence of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Niccolo Machiavelli Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Niccolo Machiavelli - Essay Example He was an active politician in the independent city-state of Florence. After working in the government and diplomatic positions for a while, he was influenced by the Prince of Papal states, Cesare Borgia, under whom Machiavelli hoped to unite Italy. But this dream had to be abandoned when Medici came to power and he was dismissed from office. As an unemployed person, he soon started writing. "The Prince" was written mainly to please the Medicis, but it made him further unpopular with them. His real thoughts were mirrored in Discourses on Livy that explains his complete political philosophy even though the marred legacy of The Prince haunted him beyond the grave. The Prince argues that any kind of ruthless, unethical, immoral ways could be exercised to gain the principality and to rule it with an iron hand effectively and successfully. He disregarded all conventionally moral and accepted ways of attaining and ruling a country in favor of establishing and retaining a powerful authoritarian state, whatever the means could be. He reiterates that the vitality, power, strength, intuition, cleverness of the lone, all-powerful figure of the Prince is the only factor that matters in the administration of any principality. The Discourses on Livy is an impressive review of Roman Republic with transparent admiration for the republican Government. "Here, too, however, ... s one that judges the skill of all participants in terms of the efficacy with which they achieve noble ends" Machiavelli's principles could be effectively applied to today's governing of large organizations, sometimes, in these days of globalization, even across the boundaries of nations. In a hypothetical large organization, the distribution and exercise of power is as critical as that of a State. Any organization, as in State, secrecy and confidentiality are absolutely necessary for any action to be effective. Organizations, plagued with informers, whose future actions could be forestalled by competitors, could never be successful. "No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution," Machiavelli from The Art of War, Machivelli talks about a monarchical rule and a powerful ruler at its helm. The policies recommended by him would go a long way in discouraging mass political activism, or democracy. He did not recommend a totally despotic rule, but a benevolent rule with a firm hand, but with considerable individual rights. He also recommended that monarch can use his power in a judicious way without disturbing the private traditional lives of his people, actually keeping in mind that he is responsible for their material prosperity. He was a political thinker and did not think that politics of the state should be governed by moral or religious absolutism, and the ruler, under difficult circumstances, might not be held responsible, even if he takes actions infringing the private rights of citizens, as those actions might be necessary for the state. These principles in a smaller way, apply to organizations. The

Juvenile Delinquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Juvenile Delinquency - Essay Example These offenses range from status offenses like smoking while young, to property and violent crimes. The high percentage of juvenile offenses is a major concern of the society because, the behavior the youths develop in their adolescence affects their adult life if not corrected in advance. The research work that follows will look at some of the causes of juvenile delinquency, prevention methods, and the history of juvenile justice, that is, the handling of juvenile offenses during the early history days and at present, the statistics of juvenile justice in different countries, and the importance of the study. The History of Juvenile Justice For years, law has successfully defined juvenile and adult offenders by drawing a line at different places as well as different reasons. Juvenile crime policy history through the 20th century is a narration of how the conception of young offenders has been transformed by law. Before the juvenile court era, by the end of 20th century, young offende rs were tried and punished in the same way as adults were. Although the law was greatly influenced by common law of England, different countries had different methods of handling juvenile delinquency cases in the early history days. In Greece and Rome, age made no difference on criminal responsibility (Binder, Geis and Bruce, 2001). The young people accused to law breaking received the same treatment as the adults. According to the Roman law, the Twelve Tables, law breaking of underage children and adults got the same treatment, that is, the treatment given to the adults applied to children (Binder, Geis and Bruce, 2001). In the criminal justice system, juvenile offenders got treated the same way as adults, although they differed in the punishment given. The Roman law considered only the children under the age of seven years to be exempted form criminal liability, but girls from 12 years and boys from 14 years were as adults in regard to crimes. Those in between received judgment ac cording to their capability of distinguishing between right and wrong (Binder, Geis and Bruce, 2001). The English Common Law took judgment of juvenile cases like those of Greece and Rome. Although their law termed children as responsible for any crime right from birth, few children under the age of 7 years faced legal penalties for their crimes (Binder, Geis and Bruce, 2001). The rising crimes in early days of history in the United States led to the formation of institutions to treat the wayward youths who developed anti-social behaviors due to social changes in Europe (Krisberg, 2005). The changes affected almost all the fields of life for the people of Europe, for example, increased population due to urbanization led to increased fees paid by farmers who worked on the farms. The living standard of the farmers dropped leading them to migrate to towns and cities to look for means of survival (Krisberg, 2005). This immigration of these farmers into towns caused an increase in crimes that brought unrest in the towns. To control the effects of this immigration, the town leaders enacted laws to prevent immigration and also invented other laws like the ‘Poor Laws’ as it was their name, to prevent the migrants from obtaining citizenship. Although they tried to discourage migration to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Columbus - First Voyage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Columbus - First Voyage - Essay Example Apart from his love for adventure and hope of conquest, Columbus feared that Portugal may discover the route to India and Cathay first, and, therefore, the First Voyage was necessary. Columbus was determined to get human cargo and material goods to his country and for himself thus he had an interest in slavery.3 Columbus was sailing both for adventure and getting a share of the big profits, which were to be made once, they reached the Indies. The purpose of the First Voyage of Columbus was finding a shorter route to Asia but instead of finding Asia, he landed in the â€Å"New World†. Since the trade between Asia and Europe was quite lucrative as it was full of spices. Columbus wanted to control the trade between Europe and Asia to make huge riches and fame. Muslims and Italians dominated most of the trade with Asians, and since Spain had not established any trade ties, Columbus was interested and determined to do it. The Spain rulers are simply funded Columbus hoping to enter into the spice trade through Columbus. His three missions were achieving glory, finding Gold, and spreading Christianity Gospel to the people of Asia.4 Columbus was not exploring the world when he landed in America but trying to find a shorter route to Asia for trading purposes. He rose to fame because he accidentally found the new world when he was trying to enrich himself by finding a shorter route to the spice land. Christopher Columbus came to be recognized as the discovery of America but according to historians, others had landed there first.

Breast Cancer and Red Wine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Breast Cancer and Red Wine - Essay Example From this essay it is clear that despite the dreaded nature and repercussions of those who apparently contracted this illness, experts on the subject have revealed that risk factors have been clearly identified and avoiding these would assist in ultimate prevention. The aim of the current discourse is to focus on presenting a discussion on breast cancer, including its description, the current statistics of those affected, the explanations on how various body systems get affected, and the medications or treatments recommended, especially that which was currently discovered, through drinking red wine.As the report declares  from the statistics provided by the Cancer Research UK (2012), it was revealed the breast cancer ranked second in the world’s most commonly diagnosed cancer as of 2008. In the United States, breast cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer among females, and â€Å"the most common cause of death from cancer among Hispanic women; as well as the second mo st common cause of death from cancer among white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women†.  Cancer was identified to originate from the cell. From the explanations provided in the NCI, the normal cells in the body mature, die, and get replaced by new ones. Somewhere in the process of growth and development, some error occurs. When cells are expected to naturally die and be replaced, some just do not die; or some new cells just emerge even when not needed.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Columbus - First Voyage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Columbus - First Voyage - Essay Example Apart from his love for adventure and hope of conquest, Columbus feared that Portugal may discover the route to India and Cathay first, and, therefore, the First Voyage was necessary. Columbus was determined to get human cargo and material goods to his country and for himself thus he had an interest in slavery.3 Columbus was sailing both for adventure and getting a share of the big profits, which were to be made once, they reached the Indies. The purpose of the First Voyage of Columbus was finding a shorter route to Asia but instead of finding Asia, he landed in the â€Å"New World†. Since the trade between Asia and Europe was quite lucrative as it was full of spices. Columbus wanted to control the trade between Europe and Asia to make huge riches and fame. Muslims and Italians dominated most of the trade with Asians, and since Spain had not established any trade ties, Columbus was interested and determined to do it. The Spain rulers are simply funded Columbus hoping to enter into the spice trade through Columbus. His three missions were achieving glory, finding Gold, and spreading Christianity Gospel to the people of Asia.4 Columbus was not exploring the world when he landed in America but trying to find a shorter route to Asia for trading purposes. He rose to fame because he accidentally found the new world when he was trying to enrich himself by finding a shorter route to the spice land. Christopher Columbus came to be recognized as the discovery of America but according to historians, others had landed there first.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analysis of the economic arguments of an independent central bank Essay

Analysis of the economic arguments of an independent central bank - Essay Example The Latin American inflations are fable material with inflation rates sky rocketing often to 200% or more. In some extreme cases what was affordable at twilight became unaffordable by daylight. With complex and fine lending and borrowing of money as investible funds, interest rates have turned indicators that are pliable in the hands policy makers or dictators as the case may be.Government, myopic with political avarice, and desirous of sweeping hustings have dictated lower interest rates, keeping economic realities on window sills. This tended to raise up spending and then employment though only in the short term, but finally and in the medium to long term it caused severe inflationary pressures. Inflations were crippling when such spending was directed less towards real sector and more towards wasteful expenditure resulting in the physical output not meeting the heightened stock of money in circulation. It is at once natural for a political system to dictate manipulation of monetar y policy and maintain only a short run vision of popularity in or around the election period even risking higher inflation just because this option always was available to detractors or competitors for votes. The Keynesian prescriptions did not build a specific treatment of inflationary situations despite the fact that such situations had arisen. It was preoccupied with determination of the output levels and relied only on a simplistic analysis of inflation via media the demand and supply theory of money. Enunciation of the Phillips curve added a logical sequence to analysis of inflation. The Phillips curve, in its native form, posited a long-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. However this causality has been reexamined and redefined theoretically and... This paper presents a thorough theoretical analysis of the varying role of central banks in an economy, in an attempt to find the optimal level of central bank`s independence from state. Central banks the world over have quiet but strong presences. With low public visibility they perform the most vital of functions with that of creating and putting into circulation legal tender money. As is known legal tender money serves as a means of payment, a unit of account and a store of value. The most preferred favoring an independent central bank is that the power to expend money should be separated or delinked substantially from the power to create money. In case these two capabilities converge we have spendthrift governments indulging in fiscal profligacy while the Central Bank simply acts as a 24/7 mint or currency printing house. While political masters may be tempted to manipulate monetary policy to suit their short term political objectives the Central banking professionals, having no such ulterior targets, nurture and design monetary policy generally on a long horizon. Protecting monetary policy decisions from State dictates can better assist the cause of lower inflation while a decent economic growth rate can be targeted concurrently. Short run considerations of political nature force the economy in bouts of uncontrolled accelerations which often turn uncontrollable and unsustainable. In nearly every major financial crisis political interference in financial sector regulation helped make a bad situation worse.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Project Management Essay Example for Free

Project Management Essay 1. Executive Summary This business plan for R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store has been created by an ESN to secure additional funding for growth and to inform retailers and consumers of the current status and direction. R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store is a new company that is launching in Houston, Texas. The company anticipates great demand for its product, and research shows that the target market of families and plus size girls would like to buy the product line that R. E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store offers. R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store is also interested in extending their product line with new creative additions and plans to explore opportunities for online selling. The marketing environment has been very receptive to the company’s high quality products. In the future, R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store looks to increase its distribution, offer new products, and win new customers. Goals Definition Statement Goal Definition This proposal design project will be the first major strategic design that we will apply to our original concept and designs. The design will consist of girls plus size designs, accessories of all colors and patterns to match clothing. Our goal is to create trendy designs of clothing and accessories that will consist of tops, pants, outerwear, active wear, shoes, under garments, purses, and accessories. R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store fashions will provide a high quality product where the image is recognizable among the young fashion conscience consumers. It will create a sense of community among plus size girls and their families who purchase the product. Goals that address our mission: The major focus of this project is to seek to be the leading brand of quality clothing for plus size girls by offering clothing designed with them in mind. * Provide plus size girls with the most dynamic clothing line where styles are contemporary, trendy and just as fashionable as their counterparts. * Clothing creating a boost of self-esteem and an opportunity to show how proud they are to be plus size girls. Goals that address self-sustainment: With this project in place we expect to: * To gain maximum market share over the first five years * To track cost and find ways of lowering them to make our product more competitive in the market place * To analyze the advertising dollars spent * Develop a successful Internet site, while maintaining strong relationships with retailers * Introduce two new product lines—customized logo clothing and accessories Objective Definition * Performance: Looking forward at our five year plan, we expect this new design to provide revenue. The expected amount of revenue the company wishes to make annually is $80,000. A market survey will be conducted so that we will see how our product will place values with our consumers. * Cost Estimate: Designing plans include, materials, manufacturers, distribution, which expected estimate could be $120,000 on an annual basis. * Total Project Cost: $400,000.00 * Schedule: Project duration expected to be five years PROJECT OBJECTIVES * To have a plus size girls clothing store, within 9 months and at a start up cost not to exceed $400,000.00. DELIVERABLES Plus size girls clothing pattern accessories that will be available at the R.E.A.L. Girlz Stores and through the company website are expected to include: * Purses * Cell Phone Covers * Tablet Covers Scope Statement Project Name:R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store Project Manager:Ella Curl Project Objective: To have a plus size girls clothing store, within 9 months and at a start up cost not to exceed $400,000.00. Deliverables:The store will have: * Inventory * POS system * Fixtures * Security cameras * Mannequins * Package that will provide backup process for POS Systems * Package that will provide backup process for IT TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS POS systems will have the capabilities to ring up sales even before adding inventory, barcode scanning, customer reward options, and customer mass email options. It will also allow for employees to sign in and show inventory management, purchasing/receiving and reports. LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS Manufacturers reserve the right to contract the R.E.A.L. Girlz Store and are responsible for work done by sub contractors. Distributors reserve the right and are responsible for all shipments of product through third party shipping companies. R.E.A.L. Girlz Store website is accessible from Sunday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. EST to 10:00 p.m. EST. The POS systems will have access to QuickBooks Accounting but not QuickBooks Pro. GiftLogic software is sold separately. Work Breakdown Structure The following Work Breakdown Structure or WBS Gantt Chart provides a snapshot of the project and indicates that the project objectives will be performed by both internal and external project team members. It is important that it is understood and agreed upon by all stakeholders that this is considered a time-constrained project. The risks that could affect this time-constrained structure will be discussed in the following section. Net Diagram The following chart is the Net Diagram of the project task. This diagram shows all the relationship between the tasks, and the critical path. It shows any changes of the tasks and the outcome of the project. Risk Management Plan The following are a list of risks that might cause the project delays or failures with their respective outcomes (see numerical list below). The four risks that are in orange bold are key risks that appear in the Risk Assessment Table. 1) Getting approved business loan: This could cause a delay if the owner is unable to get an approved loan to establish the business. 2) Meeting criteria to get business license: This could delay the project if the owner doesn’t have the proper documents to get license for the business. 3) Lack of Infrastructure Availability: This is the lack of having a designated building within the city’s own infrastructure, whereas, the product will have to be produced in a different area leaving the risk of increase in the cost and project completion time. 4) Natural Disaster: This risk could cause the project to be hault due to any unexpected weather conditions such as hurricane, tornado, etc. that may occur. 5) Incorrect Product Design: This could delay the product if the product is not designed according to the requested specifications of the customers. 6) Website Crash: In dealing with internet based customers if the website were to have technical difficulties, this risk could delay the product from customers who shop solely by website ordering. 7) Manufacturers Delay: This risk includes the possibility of the manufacturer being able to produce the product on time, which could delay the production time by way of any issues incurring at the manufacturer center. Such as lack of employees to help get the product produce. 8) Distributers untimely shipment: The risk here is found if the distribution center is unable to or there is a delay in shipment arrival by required date, due to time disruption of some sort by way of backorder, etc. 9) Project Manager has personal matter: This could delay the project if the manager has a personal matter such as death of an immediate family member. 10) Product misplacement: This risk can occur due to shipping agency shipping the product to the wrong address, or address information is miscommunicated. Risk Assessment The following is an assessment of these risks in terms of the probability of project occurrence and the negative cost impact of project outcomes. Risk analysis attempts to quantify the severity of the impact of an identified risk event. The probability is subject to change. Risk Response For each risk, we have determined the action that will be taken in an event this risk should occur. The following will take place, either accept, reduce or transfer the risk. The Risk Response Table identifies a brief contingency plan for the risks that have been identified.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Advantages and disadvantage of four alternative dividends polices

Advantages and disadvantage of four alternative dividends polices The firms dividend policy must be produced with two basic objectives in mind, which are maximizing the wealth of the firms owners and providing for sufficient financing for future projects. According to Gitman, Juchau Flanagan (2008) dividend payout ratio indicates the percentage of each dollar earned which is distributed to the owners in the form of cash. Constant-payout-ratio dividend policy is when a firm establishes a certain percentage of earnings that will be paid to owners each year. Through out the history Adamson has followed the practice of paying out approximately 60 percent of its earnings as cash dividend constantly each year. The dividend fluctuated with earnings from year to year. A major shortcoming of this policy is that if the firms earnings drop or are volatile in a given period, the dividends may be low or even non-existent. According to Gitman, Juchau Flanagan (2008) Regular dividend policy is based on the payment of a fixed-dollar dividend in each period. It provides investors with positive information indicating that the firm is doing well and it minimizes uncertainty. Usually firms using this policy will increase the regular dividend once a proven increase in earnings has occurred. Under this policy, dividend almost never decreases. One of the advantages of the regular dividend policy is that it results in a stable dividend stream over time, meeting the needs of shareholders who require resolution of uncertainty. Adamson Manufacturing Companys majority shareholders are retired individuals, college endowment funds, income-oriented mutual funds and other investors who are seeking high return and over the past years the companys dividend has been fluctuating with its earnings which does not gave a good impression about the companys financial health. Such could like to get a regular dividend each year s o that they are confident enough to continue holding shares in the company. On the other hand, disadvantages of regular dividend policy are there may be times when the company will need to access capital from external source such as borrowing loan to pay dividend when the company is not generating enough earnings per share. Also, there may be times when the company will have excess cash on hand. Low-regular-and-extra dividend policy can be established when the company is paying a low regular dividend, supplemented by an additional dividend called extra dividend. By adopting the low regular dividend, the company can give investors the stable income necessary to build confidence in the company, and the extra dividend permits them to share in earnings if the company experiences a cash surplus. When considering Adamson Manufacturing Company, Joel Norman and Allison Crane strongly suggested that the dividend payout ratio should be reduced from 60 percent, because they think high dividend payout is inappropriate for the company because of the capital limitation which recently forced the company to turn down some expansion opportunities that promised relatively high rate of return and they have also noted that several other directors who has large holdings in the company has been paying high tax rate of 40 percent of all dividends received to the government. The company should cons ider low-regular-and-extra-dividend policy, as it also addresses the issues of resolution of uncertainty and allows the company to distribute extra funds. However, under this policy there still may be some times when the firm will have to go to external equity market when it faces a great need for equity capital because of many good projects. Also, if the company declares too many extras in a row, the investors may expect the extra dividend all the time. Under Residual Dividend Policy dividend paid by a firm should be viewed as a residual that is the amount left over after all acceptable investment opportunities have been undertaken. The advantages of residual dividend policy are that lower cost sources of financing are used and funds are distributed to shareholders on which the company cannot earn a rate of return greater than weighed average cost of capital. However, the disadvantages of residual dividend policy can be the number of good capital projects will vary from year to year and because the profit will also vary from year to year, the dividend over time will be highly variable including no dividend in one year and high dividend in another year. The stream of dividend will spoil the reputation of Adamson Manufacturing Company of paying generous dividend over the past years and a lot of shareholders will be forced to sell their shares and reinvest in other company who will be offering high dividend payout ratio. Gitman, Juchau Flanagan (2008) states that clientele effects exists where the firm will attract shareholders whose preference with respect to the payment and stability of dividends correspond to the payment pattern and stability of firm itself. Shareholders who desire stable and predictable dividend as a source if income holds the shares of a firm that pay about the same dividend amount each period and shareholders who prefer to earn capital gain are more attracted to growing firms that reinvest a large portion of their earnings. Question 2 Advantages and disadvantages of an announced dividend policy.   The main advantage of having an announced dividend policy is that it reduces investors insecurity, and reductions in insecurity are generally associated with lower capital costs and higher stock prices, other things being equal. The disadvantage is that such a policy might decrease corporate flexibility. However, the announced policy would possibly include elements of flexibility.   Therefore, it would be attractive for directors to announce their policies.   The profits of a company can either be re-invested in the company or paid to its shareholders as a dividend. In New Zealand, the amount and frequency of dividends is decided by the board of directors. When a company announces the dividend policy even though it has made a loss during a year, it has to continue paying dividends from the retained earnings from previous years or to suspend the dividend. Where a company receives a non-recurring gain, e.g. from the sale of some assets, and has no plans to reinvest the earnings is often returned to shareholders in the form of a special dividend. This type of dividend is often better than usual and occurs outside of the normal dividend distribution schedule. Question 3 Effect of payout policy on growth rate of earnings per share. Sustainability growth rate is calculated by multiplying Plough-Back ratio by Return on Equity. Plough-Back ratio shows the proportion of earnings that is not paid out as dividend but retained in the company for future investment. Return on Equity is the amount of net income returned as a percentage of shareholders equity. It measures a companys profitability by stating how much profit a company generates with the shareholders has invested. According to Tatum (2010), a sustainable growth rate is the amount of growth that a company can achieve and maintain on an ongoing basis without borrowing money. It is the highest growth rate the firm can maintain without increasing its financial leverage. Sustainable growth rate depends on plowback rate and return on equity, firm may grow rapidly in short term by depending on debt finance but these type of growth cannot be maintained without incurring excessive debt levels. Question 4 Low payout ratios have high price/earnings ratio. According to Ogilvie Parkinson, (2006) the relationship between dividend payout policy and Price Earnings Ratio is that entity with high Price Earnings ratio ha a low dividend payout ratio. The data shown in Table 3 for selected Stock Market shows Companies with low dividend payout ratio has high average price-earnings ratio and vice versa. Gitman, Juchau and Flanagan, (2008) states that the firms financial requirements are directly related to how much it experts to grow and what assets it will need to acquire. A growth firm is likely to depend on internal finance which is through retained earnings and is likely to pay out only a very small percentage of its earnings as dividend. Investors looking for capital growth may prefer lower payout ratio because capital growth is taxed at lower rate and a high growth firm generally pays low or zero dividend. Wikipedia (2010) states Price-Earnings ratio is a measure of price paid for share relative to the annual profit earned by the firm per share. Stocks with higher forecast earnings growth will usually have higher Price-Earnings, and those expected to have lower earnings growth will in most cases have a lower Price-Earnings. As per Table 3, Data General has zero dividend payout percentage with highest average Price-Earnings ratio of 22. Avon Products has highest dividend payout ratio of 57 and low average Price-Earnings Ratio of 13. Data General is a growth firms who is retaining all its earnings for future investments and the shareholders can benefit from capital gain. Question 5 Reduction in the dividend payout rate would increase the price of stock versus such a reduction would drastically reduce the price of the stock. Some investors prefer company to reinvest its earnings back into the business for future growth but many appreciate a generous cash dividend payment. Investors prefer dividends is because of the tax advantage they are getting. New Zealand has dividend imputation credit policy where the company pays tax on its profit and then distributes the dividend to the shareholders. The investors are given the tax credits (imputation) so that the dividend is not double taxed. Dividend payout ratios provide important insight into a companys dividend policy. Adamson Manufacturing Company is currently paying 60 percent of its profit and retaining 40 percent for future growth. There is an argument between Rose and Walker, that if the dividend payout ratio is decreased, the price of the stock will increase and if the dividend payout is decreased, the share price will also decreased. A high payout ratio like Adamson manufacturing Companys, it suggests that the company might be paying out more than it can comfortably afford. It not only does leave a small percentage of profits to plough back into company, but also it leaves the company highly vulnerable to a decline in future dividend payments. Because the act of decreasing dividend is usually interpreted as a sign of weakness, when a dividend cut announcement is made it will trigger a decline in share price. Even if the company plans to keep the 60 percent dividend payout ratio, it will end up having increased debt ratio. The company debt ratio has increased from 16.80% in 2001 to 60.80% in 2009. According to Wikipedia (2010), share price is strictly a result of supply and demand. If the demand exceeds supply then the share price increases. Conversely, if supply exceeds the demand then the share price decreases. The principle theory is that the price movement of the share indicates what investors feel a company is worth. Some investors might understand that it is for positive reason why the company is decreasing its dividend payout ratio, decreasing dividend payout ratio is generally positive sign, it shows that company is more able to cover its dividend payout with its earnings and reduces the borrowings. Thus, the debt ratio for the company would improve in future. Question 6 Would a stock dividend or a stock split be if use in this situation? According to Gitman, Juchau Flanagan, (2008) share split is a method commonly used to lower the market price of a firms shares by increasing the number of shares belonging to each shareholder. For example, in a 2 for 1 stock split, investor who owns 100 shares of stock valued at $100 per share before the stock split will own 200 shares valued at $50 per share after split. After share split the investor owns twice as many shares, with each share worth half as much as before the stock split. The main purpose of share split is to reduce the share price of a share in order to make the share more affordable to investors. According to Mapsofworld (2008) stock dividend is the distribution of additional shares to the investors. The main purpose to offer stock dividend is to generate funds for the company. When company makes profit, a certain percentage of the profit is distributed to investors according to their amounts of shares in the company. These dividends are in form of additional shares known as stock dividend. There are several reasons why companies might choose to provide share dividend to its investors. The company may have some shortage of liquid cash, because of this the company might it difficult to provide cash dividend to its shareholders. It is also possible for the company to invest more money from earned profit to raise the production level. The company should use stock dividend, the reason being the company has been paying out a constant cash dividend of 60 percent every year to its investors and has been loosing all the opportunity of expansions with relatively high rate of return and also, investors has been paying 40 percent of their dividend to government in the form of tax. Cash dividend is downfall for the company and as well the investors. Moreover, companys current ratio has deteriorated from 505 in 2001 to only 1.71in 2009 and debt ratio is increased from 16.8% in 2001 to 60.80% in 2009. These fluctuations in the ratio shows that the company is loosing all its liquid cash in form of paying dividend and further, the company is borrowing money to maintain the 60 percent payout ratio. By adopting stock dividend the company can overcome the cash problem and also can keep investors happy by issuing high dividend payout in form of shares and not cash. Question 7 Specific dividend policy should be recommended to the board of directors. I would recommend Adamson Manufacturing Company to adopt low-regular-and-extra dividend policy. Dividend policies of companies around the world vary considerably. In New Zealand one of the major incentives for investing in the stock market is that New Zealand has no capital gain taxes. Therefore, investors should show a preference for companies that retain earnings rather than paying high percentage dividend. Companies with many growth opportunities tend to pay lower dividends, which is to be expected because the funds are required to finance growth and shareholders are willing to forgo current income of hope of greater future benefits. Because companys goal is to maximize shareholders wealth the dividend policy is one that maximizes the value of firm. When a company pays out dividend, it decreases the amount of earnings that can be used to finance growth. As a result, companies pay little or no dividends because earnings are retained to reinvest in the company. Adamson Manufacturing Company would in better position if adopting low-regular-and-extra-dividend policy. By establishing low-regular dividend that is paid each period, the firm gives investors the stable income necessary to build confidence in the firm and extra dividend permits them to share in the earnings if the firm experiences an especially good period. Firms using this policy must raise the level of dividend once proven increase in earnings have been achieved. The extra dividend should not be regular event, otherwise it will become meaningless. Adamson Manufacturing Company should reduce dividend to around 10 percent to less than 30 percent to pay regularly depending on how much profit the management wants to retain for future growth. Paying regular dividends is often considered a sign of confidence in the company and retaining part of the profit can reward shareholders by adding more shares and wealth. Low dividend payout and retaining majority of it profit can help improve t he companys current ratio and debt ratio. Current ratio shows the companys ability to pay short-term obligations. The higher the ratio, more capable the company is of paying its obligation. A ratio under 1, suggests that the company would be unable to pay off its obligation if they came due at that time. Adamson Manufacturing Companys current ratio decreased drastically to 1.71 mainly because the current asset decreased due to decline in cash by paying 60 percent of its retained earnings as cash dividend. Debt ratio compares the companys total debt to its total assets which shows the amount of leverage being used by the company. If the ratio greater than 0.5, most of the companys assets are financed through debt. Adamson Manufacturing Companys debt ratio increased significantly due to the company borrowing debt to finance cash dividend. Low-regular-and-extra-dividend policy will help the company to overcome its ratio problems and will company to hold its dividend payment consistency .